Blogging isn’t about letting your voice be heard. Instead, blogging is more about connecting with others and forming genuine and open relationships with one another. Today, I’m sharing four of my best tips on how to genuinely engage with your readers.
1. Write Relationally //
When you’re writing your posts, always keep in mind who you’re talking to – a real person. When you’re having a conversation with someone in person you talk directly to them, not as if you’re addressing an enter audience of people, right? It’s the same thing with writing posts. Write as if you’ve just invited a friend to grab coffee with you. Write as if you’re giving advice to that one person who needs to hear it most. Aim to have your writing be more of a conversation, instead of just a monologue.
2. Be Authentic //
Blogging is all about expressing your unique voice, and part of your uniqueness is your authenticity. Can I just say that it is important to open up and just be real? There are times where it’s completely needed to share about a struggle you’re dealing with or about a situation you went through. In fact, that’s what readers crave to hear most! Your readers, like all of us, want to know that there are others out there who can relate to them. They want to know they’re not alone. By opening up and becoming vulnerable, not only does that help us, but it helps and encourages your readers. A common misconception about authenticity is that you’re only authentic when you share the raw and the gritty pieces of your life and who you are, but that’s not true at all. Being authentic is being unashamedly you – through the good and the bad. When you’re true to yourself, that’s when you’re authentic.
3. Ask Questions //
I mentioned that you should write as if you’re having a one-on-one conversation with one of your readers, and one way to do this is to ask them questions. Depending on the post, you can ask questions in the middle of your post or at the end of your post. Always try to ask your readers at least one question! Encourage them to share a story of their’s relating to what you shared or ask them their opinion on something that’s happening currently – i.e. entering a new season or a current event. Be intentional in asking your questions. Ask questions that your readers will be excited to answer!
4. Respond To Comments //
This is a huge one. I have heard so many different bloggers’ opinions on this – don’t respond, respond to some, respond to all. Make it your aim to try and respond to ALL of your comments. As a blogger, I’ve commented on other blogs before and have never received a comment back. This really stinks sometimes, especially when I put a lot of thought and heart into my comment. I always try to comment back to all of my readers, because I want to create community with them. I want them to come back and feel connected. I want them to know that they’re heard. When you respond to someone, always be sure to include their name in the conversation at least once. Responding to comments is one thing, but when you take the time to focus in on each comment and respond with their name, it just really shows where your heart and intentions are, and amplifies your connection with your readers even more.
[bctt tweet=”Wanting to connect with your community more? Here’s how to genuinely interact with your readers!” username=”SummerTelban”]
Why is connecting with others important to you? What is one tip you’d give to someone wanting to genuinely engage with their readers?