Facebook is forever changing and revamping its algorithms, making it hard to keep up with for us bloggers and small business owners. To be upfront and honest, it frustrates me to no end. Somedays it can almost seem impossible to keep up the community that I have on my Facebook page, because Facebook limits who sees my content.
While Facebook and how it works completely aggravates me and most bloggers I know, we will never stop trying to figure out to continue to engage with our audiences on there. Facebook can be a great tool to promote content and behind-the-scenes, but it takes a lot of effort and patience to figure out.
Whenever it’s announced or noticed that Facebook has changed their algorithms once again, everyone starts to freak out and embark on an adventure of finding new methods to the madness. Can I get super real with you all for a second? I personally think that the most important thing to do when there’s an algorithm change is to get back to the basics.
[bctt tweet=”7 Ways To Increase Your Facebook Engagement (No Matter The Algorithm Change) >>” username=”SummerTelban”]
1. Post Frequency //
How often do you post? Are you posting too much, too little, or just enough? Do you have a posting schedule? These are all questions to ask when you’re looking for new ways to increase your engagement. You need to find a happy medium between too much and too little that is perfect for your brand. Once you decide on how often and how much you want to post, you can then start to develop a more in-depth Facebook strategy.
2. Choose Your Time Wisely //
Timing can easily be tied in with your posting frequency, but it can be difficult to find your target times to post. Deciding on the best times to post depends on who you’re wanting to reach and what you’re wanting to see out of the post (likes, shares, clicks). As every blog and business differs in audience and message, so does the ideal times to post. I have heard many times that Thursdays and Fridays are the best days to post, especially the times of 1:00 – 3:00 pm, as people are less excited about work and would rather spend their time awaiting the weekend by browsing Facebook.
3. Be Relevant //
I believe that a huge part of authenticity on social media is about being open about relevant situations or topics. Now, I’m not saying to go on rants about the presidential election or some crazy news article. Just think about how much your audience already sees those types of posts elsewhere in their newsfeed. If you share something uplifting and relevant, you’re more likely to grab their attention and get their interaction. For example: I regularly post about needing my cup of coffee during the day or celebrating that it’s Friday, and everything I get a great amount of likes and comments. Being relevant is basically being relational – paying attention to what’s around you and seeing what your audience likes.
Related: How To Grow Authentic Community On Social Media
4. Ask Questions & Respond //
Asking questions can be a great way to giving your audience a call-to-action to get engaged. Ask questions that are on-brand or relevant. While I’m a lifestyle blogger, you won’t ever find me asking my audience for recipes. Why not? It’s not relatable to what my true brand is. Asking questions can be a lot of fun and can be a great way for your audience to get to know you! When you ask a question, try following up with your answer sometimes. You’d be surprised how many people are just waiting to join in on a conversation! And as always, be sure to respond to each comment, even if it’s just by ‘liking’ their comment.
5. Share Valuable Content //
People who like your Facebook page are those who believe you have great, valuable content to share. I’m going to bring relevancy back in for a moment – valuable often times means relevant. Stay true to your brand and audience. While sharing your own content on a regular basis is extremely important, so is sharing other bloggers’ content that your audience will find useful. When you share other bloggers’ content, the more apt you’re going to have your posts shared by other bloggers. Sharing the love is so important in the blogging community! Anyway, you could always try sharing a viral video that’s been going around. This is another great way to keep your community engaged, because they can see that you’re an actual human being and not just a blogger throwing content at them all of the time. For example: I love to share the occasional video of cute puppies.
Related: How To Genuinely Engage With Your Readers
6. Post Visual Content //
We live in a visual world, where visuals are constantly catching our eyes. Photos and videos have to be some of the best ways to get your audience’s attention, which increasing the chances of them interacting with the post. I love to share photos of my coffee or behind-the-scenes and (sadly) those posts get more reach and sometimes engagement than a posting of a new blog post. I have yet to wander into sharing my own videos on Facebook, but I have thought about it. I have a few friends who’ve seen some great feedback and reach from just sharing a short video about their day or some quick tips on a certain topic. Visuals will always, always be a must! Always be stretching yourself to experiment and come up with new visual methods to reach your audience.
7. Utilize Facebook Insights //
Facebook insights can be found at the top menu bar of your Facebook page. There you can see an overview or in-depth looks at your likes, visits, posts, demographics, and more. One of my favorite tools found in Facebook insights is in the posts section, where you can click-through to a specific post and receive in-depth look at that post alone. You will be able to see how many people it reached, how many commented/liked, and how many clicked through to the actual article. It also has a small section for negative feedback, which can include if someone hides your post, all of your posts, or unlikes your page. Facebook insights as a whole has to be one of the better things Facebook actual has in order, so make sure you learn it and use it!
So, there you have it! Getting back to the basics can help you dodge all of the daunting Facebook algorithm changes. While yes, algorithm changes straight up suck, don’t let them get you down in the end. Just step back, breathe, and press on. There will be another algorithm change sooner than you’d think, anyway. Remember to have fun.
What are your go-to tips when wanting to increase your Facebook engagement? Do you get back to the basics like me? Let’s chat, blog friends! We’re in this together!
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