Hey there, mamas-to-be! The other week I shared my daughter’s Nursery Reveal and while I was shooting photos for that post, I figured I’d be helpful to share how I organized her dresser.
When I was creating Taya’s nursery, I knew I wanted to be intentional with how I stored and organized everything. This is one of the main reasons why I decided to make her dresser also the changing station. Not only was it the best option for the amount of space in her room, I just knew it’d be easier for simple organization.
The way I organized everything might not be Pinterest perfect but it’s perfect for us! These photos show how I had everything set up for when she came home as a newborn. Naturally, the arrangements will evolve over time. I hope you can take away some ideas and tips for yourself as you’re creating your little one’s space. 🙂
This is the dresser we have and here are a ton of similar ones! We used these drawer organizers from IKEA throughout the entire dresser and I’m so glad we did. They don’t fit perfectly into the drawers but that’s okay — it provides some hidden storage for us. I’ll get to that later! 😉
[bctt tweet=”How To Organize A Nursery Dresser & Changing Table” username=”SummerTelban”]
The very top of Taya’s dresser is our changing table. We have this changing pad that I highly recommend getting for yourself! It has a non-skid base with attachments to prevent it from moving and the best part is how easy it is to clean. You just wipe it down instead of having to change the changing pad cover every time there’s an accident. Mamas-to-be, this is the way to go. Trust me!
Next to the changing pad, we have a wipe warmer and then a basket full of baby essentials that we use often – lotion, butt paste, etc. I know some people think that wipe warmers are useless… I simply disagree! The diaper pail is tucked away to the left of the dresser.
The top right drawer is full of everything we need for diaper changes, some medicine and medical supplies, and more. I chose this drawer since it’s directly to my side when changing Taya. Nice and easy! In the large square organizer, I have diapers and some extra packs of wipes readily available.
In the smaller square organizers, I have them organized by use. One has diaper cream, saline spray & drops, gas drops, Vitamin D drops, and more. The one next to it has pacifier wipes, her brush and comb, baby nail trimmer, and SmileFrida finger toothbrush. The front left one has boogie wipes and disposable bags for stinky diapers. I still place these bags into the diaper pail and nope, they don’t stink. My original plan was to take stinky diapers out to the garbage in the garage but let’s be real, that’s not really a reality! The front left cube has mittens.
Hidden Storage: Remember when I said that these organizers didn’t fit 100%? Well, it turned out to be perfect for us… behind the organizers, I can store extra wipes and other essentials!
The top left drawer is for all things linen! There are a ton of receiving blankets and burp cloths in the square organizer and in the middle unit, there are bibs and washcloths. Then, at first, I had some premie-sized gowns when Taya first came home. Now, it’s a space for more burp cloths.
One tip: I have used receiving blankets for just about anything… swaddles for when Taya was tiny, blankets for on-the-go/at the doctor’s office, burp cloths, nursing covers, and so on. I highly recommend that you have a great selection of them. We have soft, flannel ones. We have this set of 4 – affordable, cute, and cozy!
[bctt tweet=”Nursery Dresser Organization Ideas” username=”SummerTelban”]
This drawer has leggings, pants, and sweatpants in it from size newborn to 3 months. The middle bin has velcro swaddles. Taya actually ended up not liking being swaddled at all (literally, from day 1) so we never got to use them! Then there’s a bin of newborn onesies, which I had simply rolled to store them.
This drawer is home to socks, newborn sleepers (and some 0-3 month), and then some basics, like white newborn onesies. I also tucked away her adorable bloomers behind the basic onesies.
Both the middle row of drawers will always house basics like socks and then whatever size clothing she is at the time. After Taya outgrew her newborn clothes, I moved her 3-month clothes up.
The bottom left drawer holds some of the next size up clothes, so in this case, 3-month clothing. There’s a bin of sleepers, onesies, and basic onesies. Straight forward and simple.
I have extra blankets, sheets, DockATot covers, and support pillows stored away in this drawer.
And there you have it! That’s the gist of how I’m keeping everything organized in Taya’s dresser and changing table. It’s what works best for us! I highly recommend the drawer organizers we used – they’re affordable and make everything nice and neat. I hope this was able to help you with your baby’s nursery dresser organization!