Do you know those days where you just feel completely and utterly unmotivated to do anything? I know I sure do. We all have those kinds of days (or seasons, let’s be real) every once and awhile. Being simply tired or just feeling uninspired can really affect our overall productivity.
Something I have been struggling with lately is having so much to do in a short time and finding the motivation to knock it all out in time. When I’m overwhelmed with so much to do, it’s hard to find the urge to be productive even if I know I need to be. I’m sure I’m not alone in this experience.
As I reflected on the times that I was unmotivated to get things done, I took notice to some ways that I broke through those ruts and was productive in the end. I hope these tips and tricks can help you break out of an unmotivated rut to help you be more productive! After all, I feel so good and accomplished after I haven’t crossed everything off my to-do lists.
1. Ask Yourself Why You Don’t Feel Motivated // Why don’t I feel motivated to get these tasks done? What’s killing my want to be productive? It’s always best to try to get to the root of the problem before you can figure out ways to mend the problem. Lack of motivation can be caused by tons of different things and sometimes it can have no cause. Either way, try your best to identify what the huge issue could be so you can address it at the source.
2. Evaluate Your Time // Time is a valuable thing and sometimes we lose sight of that. Sometimes the pressure of getting something done in a certain timeframe can actually cause us to put the task off more. It’s always best to check in and see that you’re being intentional with your time. Try writing out realistic to-do lists that would be worked around the time you have available to get something accomplished.
3. Make Sure That You’re Being Organized // Lack of organization is probably one of the top issues for me when it comes to lacking motivation at any time. While I like to think I’m organized most of the time, there are still those times where all that’s on my desk or in my living space is a clutter. It happens! Tidy up when you need to. Try not to put off cleaning. You’re more apt to be productive in a clean environment than one that’s cluttered.
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4. Check-In On Your Basic Needs // Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating healthy meals and snacks? It’s jaw-dropping how much a change in sleep schedule or diet can affect your overall daily functions. I know when I’m running low on sleep, I can barely function sometimes. It’s important to keep yourself healthy all of the time, but especially when you know you have extra tasks that you need to get accomplished. Instead of having to catch up after the tasks, prepare yourself beforehand so you feel more energized and ready to attack your goals.
5. Prioritize Correctly And Conquer Your Tasks // Taking the necessary time to write out, prioritize your tasks, and planning how to conquer them will help you an immense amount, even if you’re not feeling that motivated. Having a bit of a light schedule to keep you on track will help you stay the course. Prioritize things in the order of importance and have grace with yourself when you need to re-prioritize tasks.
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6. Take Time For Self-Care // If you’re down and not feeling motivated or energized to tackle your tasks, then put time aside for self-care. Self-care looks different for everyone, but if you need to take an hour to just have some “me time” before executing your to-do list, then do it. Give yourself permission to. When you’re rejuvenated and refreshed, you’ll always work better and more intentionally.
Related Reading: How To Make An Self-Care Kit (And Why You NEED To)
7. Try Setting A Timer // I don’t know if it’s just me, but if I focus too long on one task at a time, I can hit a wall. Try setting a timer for 25-30 minutes for each task. Even if you’re not finished with one when the timer goes off, move to the next thing on your list for a short while and then come back with a renewed focus. This has been hugely helpful for me. Let me know if you give it a try and it helps you, as well!
8. Unplug From Unnecessary Distractions // The kind of unplugging that I’m talking about doesn’t just refer to signing off social media or not checking your email. Depending on your everyday life and tasks at hand, there may be other distractions you run into. For example: if you need to do the laundry, dishes, and clean the bathroom, keep the TV off! Having the TV on is just asking yourself to get sucked into whatever show is on at the time. Instead, try turning on the radio for entertainment while you’re getting your tasks done.
Related Reading: 6 Signs You Need A Social Media Break
9. Don’t Force Yourself // While there is time to push yourself to get the job done, there are also times where you need to be flexible with yourself. If creativity isn’t flowing for a project, don’t force it. Instead, take some time away, focus on self-care, and move onto the next task. Depending on the task, forcing something will only push yourself further down the lane of discouraged and drained. Learning discernment in times like these are crucial. It’s okay to push yourself when you need to, but also remember grace when it’s needed.
10. Remember Your “Why” // Friends, always remember your “why.” Your why is the passion or purpose behind whatever tasks may be in front of you. If it’s a creative project you need to focus on, remember the passion you had to start it. If it’s simply doing everyday cleaning and organizing, remind yourself that you’ll feel better in a clean environment. Remembering the purpose of the tasks you need to get accomplished is huge for rediscovering your motivation.
11. Reward Yourself // I am a firm believer in the term “treat yo self!” If getting your butt in gear means telling yourself you can have a treat after you accomplish it, then you just might have to do that! Grab yourself your favorite drink from Starbucks or treat yourself to new nail polish. It’s okay to reward yourself for a job well done!
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What are some ways you push through to be productive even when you’re not feeling motivated? Do you do any of the above tips or tricks? Do you treat yo self? Tell us your productivity secrets!
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