This post has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. This post was sponsored by Starbucks as part of an Influencer Activation. I received compensation and complimentary products to facilitate my review. #StarbucksCaffeLatte #MyStarbucksatHome #CollectiveBias
I have learned that life is too short to not take time to celebrate yourself. Self-care is a passion that is always readily pounding on my heart, and it’s for good reason. It’s so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the everyday to the point where we overlook celebrating the little things in life. More often than not, sometimes celebrating the little things in life means celebrating yourself – your small victories and your big victories. Celebrating your accomplishments and taking the time to admire who you are is hugely important for healthy and happy self-care.
I am definitely one who strays toward the lines of being a perfectionist, and most days it can steal my joy and beat me down. For years now, I have been working on appreciating who God has created me to be and finding joy in that process. It’s not always easy for me. Even though I am passionate about self-care, I can sometimes push it off in order to try and zone in on another goal or some other task that will get me close to what I think is “perfection”.
Over the past few months, I have genuinely learned to put self-care and celebrating myself as a priority. After all, you can’t pour out from an empty cup.
Today, I’m sharing some thoughts that have help me generate an excitement of who I am and where I’m at in life, as well as ways that I enjoy celebrating myself and my accomplishments, big or small. I will also share some pointers for teaching yourself how to celebrate yourself on a regular basis. We are all worth celebrating.
Whenever I’m celebrating myself, during the day or in the evening, I always have to have the new Starbucks® Caffe Blend K-Cup® Pods! My friends, you already know that coffee will always be my go-to celebratory drink. I have been hooked ever since first trying these delicious Caffè Latte K-Cup® pods. They’re super smooth and easy to brew, with only a two-step process.
Step 1 is to pour the flavor packet into the mug.
Step 2 is to brew the Starbucks® Caffe Blend K-Cup® pod in your Keurig® brewer and stir to enjoy the beverage. Brewing is one of my most favorite things simply because of the aroma that fills the air – it gets me even more excited to celebrate!
Starbucks® Caffe Blend K-Cup® Pods are delicious because they are made from milk, with no artificial flavors, and they come in 3 great Starbucks® signature flavors (Caramel, Mocha, and Vanilla) and 2 beloved Starbucks® seasonal flavors (Pumpkin Spice and Peppermint Mocha, available for a limited time). These products are available nationally at your local grocery store.
Starbucks® Caffe Blend K-Cup® Pods are the perfect beverage to accompany my while I’m reflecting on what to be grateful for, as well as being there to pump me up for truly celebrating myself.
[bctt tweet=”Remember: You can’t pour out from an empty cup. Celebrate yourself and make self-care a priority.” username=”SummerTelban”]
I am sure I’m not alone in the struggles I shared at the start of this post. Most people deal with striving for perfection a few times in their lives, if not more often. When you choose to celebrate yourself regularly, with all of your flaws and your gifts, you will begin to love yourself in a new and wonderful way. Embrace whatever makes you feel alive and the most in tune with the best version of yourself. If you don’t spend time celebrating who you are and the victories you experience in life, you will only end up feeling beat down. As sad as it is, society isn’t going to choose to celebrate you. So, step up and celebrate yourself! It’s amazing how much better I feel on a day-to-day basis when I put celebrating myself as a main priority of self-care.
[bctt tweet=”What makes you genuinely want to celebrate yourself? Think on those things!” username=”SummerTelban”]
Celebrating yourself can be anything from taking a day off work to relax to making and listening to a new music playlist (check out my “Celebrate Yourself” playlist here). Self-care looks different for everyone, so celebrating yourself will look different, too. I just love that! I love that we all have our own passions and quirks that make us tick to the beat of who we’re meant to be. Celebrate that!
Maybe you enjoy painting your nails (like me) or laying in bed binge-watching your new favorite show. Whatever activity or project that helps you to be proud of yourself, do it. Treat yourself. You deserve it, friends!
Always remember that you’re right where you’re supposed to be. Being completely open and real with you all, this is the hardest thing for me in the season of life I’m in. I struggle with not being certain things or accomplishing certain things by now. Some things that are always in my head are that I’m not a mom yet, like I want and that I want my blog to grow greater faster. While it’s okay to long for those things, I need to remember that every season has a purpose for me, whether that purpose is easy to see or not. When you take the time to speak truth to yourself, remembering that you’re right where you’re supposed to be will become a comforting truth.
Write down everything you’ve accomplished so far, big and small. I am a huge list maker when it comes to setting goals and to-dos. Ever since putting that habit into the positive light of jotting down what I have accomplished already, I have been able to cut myself some slack and see that I really have come so far in certain areas. It’s amazing what you can learn about yourself when you take the time to zone in on how far you’ve come. No victory is too small or acknowledge or celebrate. Always remember that.
[bctt tweet=”No victory is too small or acknowledge or celebrate. Always remember that.” username=”SummerTelban”]
Stop comparing your journey to someone else’s journey. The comparison trap will always be something we need to hurtle over, but it is possible to do. With social media being such a highlight of today’s age, this can be really hard to do. Comparison will only beat you down over time because you’re focusing on all that you don’t have or all that you’re not. Comparison will never equal celebration. Always keep things in perspective – remember that no one has it all together and that no one’s life is perfection.
[bctt tweet=”Celebrating yourself ≠ Comparing yourself to others.” username=”SummerTelban”]
[bctt tweet=”Embrace whatever makes you feel alive and the most in tune with the best version of yourself.” username=”SummerTelban”]
When you make celebrating yourself a priority in your life, you will see a huge difference in your outlook on not only yourself, but your life as a whole. If you’re not really seeing a change in your outlook, check in and be real with yourself to see if you’re genuinely appreciating yourself the way you should. Always be honest with yourself.
P.S. Celebrating yourself may sometimes mean using a confetti popper for an extra burst of excitement and celebration. No shame, friends!
What are some ways that you have found most successful in making celebrating yourself a priority? Have you tried out the new Starbucks® Caffe Blend K-Cup® Pods yet? If so, what’s your favorite flavor? What is one way you can celebrate yourself today?
Much love,
2016 Starbucks Corporation. All rights reserved. Keurig, Keurig HOT, K-Cup and the K logo are trademarks of Keurig Green Mountain, Inc., used with permission.