It’s time for some extra #realtalk today, blog friends. I think it’s time that we dig in deep and discuss a topic that has probably tripped us all up at one point or another in our blogging journeys. Today, we’re going to talk about comparison and envy in the blogging community.
I don’t care what any blogger says, we’ve all dealt with comparison and envy at least once (or a few times) in our blogging journeys and careers. I have dealt with it and many of my close blogging besties have, as well. If we’re being honest, I think it’s okay to say that we’ve all dealt with blogger envy at some point.
The comparison trap is a very real thing and I feel it’s even more prevalent nowadays with social media. It’s crazy how easy it is to fall into the comparison and blog envy trap. You could be scrolling through someone’s Instagram feed or blog and all of a sudden you start to feel discouraged about yours for such and such reason(s). It’s so tempting to let those feelings of discouragement and jealousy take over, but you don’t have to.
Today, I’m going to sharing some tips on how to beat (and avoid) blogger envy.
[bctt tweet=”How To Beat (And Avoid) Blogger Envy ” username=”SummerTelban”]
1. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others // Hey you… yes, you! You’ve got to stop comparing yourself to others if you want to overcome the envy that might creep up on you. Sure, this other blogger *seems* like they have the perfect blog and perfect life, but I can assure you, they don’t. None of us do. Sure, they might have some pretty awesome gifts, but that doesn’t mean that theirs outshine yours. They don’t. Your gifts are just as awesome and important. You were made to be uniquely you; embrace that. Quit spending your time comparing yourself to others, and start cheering yourself on.
[bctt tweet=”They might have some awesome gifts, but that doesn’t mean that theirs outshine yours. They don’t.” username=”SummerTelban”]
2. Focus On Doing YOUR Best // Shift your focus from comparing and jealously over to working hard and doing your best. Stay in your lane and do your thing. When you focus on doing your best for your blog, you will get so much farther than you would if you were to sit stagnant in the comparison trap. What’s your purpose for blogging? Why’d you start? What’s your overall mission? Focus on and remember these things. Know that your best might be different from someone else’s and that there’s nothing wrong with that.
[bctt tweet=”Stay in your lane and do your thing. Do what’s best for you and your blog.” username=”SummerTelban”]
3. Let Competition Motivate You // I am a huge advocate for community over competition, but that doesn’t take away the fact that there is competition out there. Listen, competition shouldn’t be a negative thing. Let the competition that surrounds you be your extra boost of motivation in hustling hard after your goals for your blog and for yourself. When you’re feeling tired or discouraged, remember that there’s competition out there, but let that remembrance bring a healthy hustle to your work. You’re allowed to let your competition compel you, but only if it’s compelling you to be healthily focused on your work.
[bctt tweet=”Let your competition motivate you, but only if it’s to be healthily focused on your work.” username=”SummerTelban”]
4. Just Do The Work // I feel like I simply need to shout out Nike’s slogan right now for this point. 😉 If you’re struggling with envy, you’re constantly distracted from your work. Don’t let that happen. The second you feel yourself drifting into jealousy, snap out of it and do the work you need to do for yourself. It takes a lot of work to get to the places you want to get to. Nothing good that lasts ever happens overnight. Something my husband always loves to remind me of is this saying: Pay now, play later. In other words, put in the work now and it will pay off in the future.
[bctt tweet=”Pay now, play later.” username=”SummerTelban”]
5. Remember That There’s Always More Than Meets The Eye // Yeah, yeah, yeah… I know you know this already, but do you truly believe it? Good question, right? While someone’s life might look like a dream from what they showcase, you really don’t know the whole story. It’s the truth; we really don’t know. We only know what is curated and shared with us online.
Related Reading: What To Do When You’re Stuck In A Negative Rut
6. Temporarily Stop Reading Blogs // If you’re truly, deeply struggling with blogger envy, I want to encourage you to temporarily stop reading blogs. If you need to take it a step further and take a social media break, then do so. “But Summer, then I won’t be able to promote my blog if I take a break from reading blogs or posting on social media!”
I’m going to shoot straight with you. If you have an unhealthy habit of comparing yourself and envy, and it’s affecting your blog and life outside of your blog, then it’s more important for you to take a break. If something is affecting you this much, take the break and pour into yourself. Your blog deserves better. You deserve better. Choose better.
Related Reading: Signs You Should Take A Social Media Break
7. Focus On How You Can Grow // Continuing on from the second point about how you should let competition motivate you… let it show you where you can grow. Instead of getting all down in the dumps all because your Instagram feed doesn’t look like her’s, focus on the steps you can take to get there. Do you research. Put in the time and the hard work. Invest into the proper tools you might need. Let what was envy turn it into a learning experience for yourself.
[bctt tweet=”Let what was once envy turn into a learning experience for yourself. ” username=”SummerTelban”]
8. Ask For Help // Are you not sure of the next steps to take in an area? Are you feeling writer’s block for new content ideas, or are you needing help on how to grow your traffic? Simply ask for help. In our human nature, we don’t really like to admit if/when we need help, but it’s essential to our growth and success. Those who are successful didn’t figure it out all on their own. Nope. No way. Anyone who tells you differently is lying. This is because we weren’t made to do life alone. You aren’t made to just blog alone. The blogging community is immensely helpful and strong, so utilize it. Remember that those who will help you were once where you are currently.
[bctt tweet=”The blogging community is immensely helpful and strong, so utilize it.” username=”SummerTelban”]
9. Remember Why You Started // Why did you start blogging? What drives your passion for blogging? These are questions you should already know the answer to. No one else can give you these answers; only you can. When you get tripped up about someone else’s content, take a quick step back. Reflect on why you started and remember why it has such an impact on your blog. Your “why” is different than everyone else’s. Don’t forget that.
[bctt tweet=”Never lose sight of why you started your blog. Your purpose for blogging is so important.” username=”SummerTelban”]
10. Appreciate Your Success // Take a look at how far you’ve come in your blogging journey. If you’re a new blogger, look at how big that first step to starting a blog was. Starting a blog (if you do it right) is a ton of work, and I wish more people recognized that. If you’re a seasoned blogger, look at all you’ve accomplished. Be proud of the goals you’ve reached and be proud that you keep setting the bar higher for yourself. Appreciate the success you’ve already created for yourself. Success is success, no matter how small.
[bctt tweet=”10 Tips To Overcome Blogger Envy” username=”SummerTelban”]
How do you deal with blogger envy? What are some steps you take to overcome it? What tips here haven’t you tried, but you think could really benefit you? Let’s be real and chat!
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