Cheers! It’s Friday! Today’s post is one that I have been wanting to write for quite some time now. Please, bear with me as I pour my heart out here.
Over the past year, I have had many people reach out to me asking me about how I got started blogging. I’m always more than happy to respond and get a conversation going. After all, blogging is not only my passion, but it’s now my profession. About 90% of the time after explaining my journey, I get questions like:
- “Can you help me start a blog?”
- “How can I get things for free?”
- “I’m wanting to start a blog to make money. Can you walk me through every step you took?”
These are just a few of the questions I receive. Back in the day, I was glad to share my tips and tricks, but throughout this year I have learned that it’s okay for me to say, “No.” in certain situations.
I have chatted with many of my blog friends and they repeatedly get asked some of the same questions that I do. If we’re being honest, it can be quite frustrating to get asked questions like these.
While yes, it’s an honor to be asked to help, it can also be a slap in the face to us. How so, you ask? Every single time that I have been asked those questions and more, the person was always (from my point of view) just looking for handouts.
If you’ve reached out to me or another blogger asking some of those questions, I want to encourage you. If you want to pursue something, you have to do the work. Now, don’t get me wrong here – It is okay to ask for help. But, there’s a difference between asking for some help and asking for someone to hand over everything they’ve worked for to you for free.
If you want to be a blogger, you have to do the work. There are so many useful tools out there on the internet about the steps you can take, but honestly, those aren’t the only steps you should take. Some of the steps you need to take to become successful are only steps you can take. You can’t learn your steps from someone else.
[bctt tweet=”You have to do the work to learn your steps. You can’t learn your steps from someone else.” username=”SummerTelban”]
Those of us who are already bloggers have done the work and are always doing the work. The work never stops.
For me, at least… I am glad to put in the work; the blood, sweat, and many tears. I am proud to do my research, try different strategies, and to find secret tips and tricks on my own.
Friends, this may seem cliché, but it’s the complete truth: nothing good ever comes easy.
Many people nowadays have a sense of entitlement to them, and I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re not entitled to anything. I’m sorry, you’re not. This shouldn’t offend you. Instead, it should fuel you and empower you to do the work and to do it well.
[bctt tweet=”There is no elevator to the top, there’s only the staircase.” username=”SummerTelban”]
Success does not happen overnight. There is no elevator to the top, there’s only the staircase. If you’re looking to others to guide you through everything, you’re not going to get anywhere.
Now, before you get your feathers all ruffled up, let me put things into context here.
It is okay to ask for help. It is okay to ask for advice. It is okay to even ask what might work for a certain blogger. The whole point to blogging is to find others with a similar voice and to join together in community with. Bloggers need other bloggers. In fact, bloggers are some of the most helpful people I know, which is a beautiful thing.
What’s not okay is asking and:
- Expecting bloggers to give their secrets away
- Expecting them to give you monetizing tips and secrets
- Expecting them to give mentorship for free
There is a fine line between asking for help and asking someone to spew all of their knowledge and wisdom to you.
Nicole from What Nicole Wore wrote an awesome post related to this: Why You Need To Experience Your Own Blogging Journey.
I started blogging years ago and it was because I had a passion to write and to connect. Then when I got serious about pursuing blogging professionally, it was because my passion grew, not because I wanted to make money.
If your intentions aren’t from passion, then where are they from? If your intention before you even start a blog is to make money, then you’ve got it all wrong. It’s one thing to have monetizing be your goal for your blog in the long run, but it’s that is your only reason for starting a blog, what does that say about you?
[bctt tweet=”If your intention for starting a blog is only to make money, then you’ve got it all wrong.” username=”SummerTelban”]
There is no true success if there’s no passion there to begin with.
[bctt tweet=”There is no true success if there’s no passion there to begin with.” username=”SummerTelban”]
I don’t mean to come off harsh at all, I’m just speaking for those of us who have and still aren’t putting in all the hard work. We want you to join us.
There are so many reasons why you should do the work, but I just wanted to touch on a few of them today.
1. It Gets Results // When you work hard, you will get results. It may take some time, but your work will not be in vain. Sometimes you might get different results that you’d wished for (which could be a really good thing), but either way, you do get results.
2. It Builds Character // When you’re not relying on everyone else for information and you actually decided to trudge through it all yourself, you’ll build character. Character is something that we can always be growing in. Working hard with the right intentions will only ever build your character.
3. You Will Feel Accomplished // When you’ve figured out a new Pinterest strategy and a new approach to Twitter, you will feel so proud of yourself. When you’ve landed your first paid gig with a brand that you love, you’re going to feel accomplished. Again, when you work hard you will be rewarded. Nothing beats the feeling of accomplishment.
[bctt tweet=”3 Reasons Why You Should (Want To) Do The Work” username=”SummerTelban”]
I hope this post can be a gentle wake up call and an encouragement. Sometimes we all need the reminder to work hard. We shouldn’t expect things for free. We shouldn’t expect handouts. We should be working hard.
[bctt tweet=”Never expect anything for free. Never expect handouts. Expect to work hard for what you want.” username=”SummerTelban”]
If you’re genuinely wanting help with your blog, there are many out there who offer blog mentorships and consulting. I offer Blog & Social Media Consultations and would be more than willing to discuss working with you.
What’s something you’ve worked hard for? How did it feel when you accomplished that goal or project? Let’s chat!
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