T’is the season for reader surveys…fa la la la la, la la la la! We’re in the last month of the year and that means most bloggers are trying to fit in a reader survey before the new year.
If you’re a blogger and you haven’t done a reader survey before, you really need to! If you’re wanting to take your blog in a new direction, a reader survey will be helpful to you. If you’re wanting to find out who’s reading your blog to help you better zone into finding your ideal audience, then a reader survey is a must for you! Reader surveys are extremely helpful for many, many reasons.
[bctt tweet=”Bloggers, you’ve got to have reader surveys every once and awhile! Here’s why! ” username=”SummerTelban”]
You’re Wanting To Take Your Blog In A New Direction // If you’ve discovered a new topic that you’re wanting to pursue blogging about, a reader survey will help you to see where your readers are at. Ask detailed questions about the subject(s) you’re interested in introducing to your blog to see what about those topics your current audience may or may not be interested in. While yes, you can write about whatever you want on your blog, it is important to consider what your dedicated readers might want to read from you.
You’re Wanting To Introduce A Product Or Service // When you have new ideas and exciting dreams for your blog that include selling products or providing a service, you want to get an idea of how great the need is before you put a ton of energy and effort into creating something. While printables may sound like a great way to make an income, you want to be realistic in doing your research on how many of your readers are truly interested in purchasing them printables. The same thing goes for e-courses and even newsletters!
It’s Going To Be A New Year Or New Season In Your Life // Reader surveys are great to do around new seasons of the year and your life, as every season of life is different! December is typically the most popular month of reader surveys as it’s right before the New Year! It’s a great way to help put your new ideas into concrete plans, with the help of your readers.
Reader surveys can contain a wide range of topics and questions in them depending on what you’re looking for out of one, but there are some key things that every reader survey should contain. Today, I’m going to walk you through all of those key points!
Ask Questions About General Information Regarding Your Reader // One thing that I have found extremely important in reader surveys is context. Context is everything in everything! Context is huge! Don’t you agree? Asking your readers general questions like the ones listed below helps you to better allow yourself to reader your overall results in a context that is relatable to your audience.
- How old are you?
- What’s your gender?
- Are you a blogger yourself or just a reader?
- How do you usually find out about new posts?
- How often do you read my blog?
- How did you come to find my blog?
Ask Questions About Their Readership // You might think that readers will only fill out your survey when they’re a dedicated reader, but the truth is, sometimes you’ll get people filling it out who are very new to your blog. Asking questions about their readership is SO key in furthering the context of how you read your results.
- How long have you been a reader of my blog?
- How do you feel about the posting frequency?
- What are your favorite posts to read about?
- What are your least favorite posts to read about?
- What is one of your all-time favorite posts of mine?
[bctt tweet=”There are tons of things that you can include in a reader survey, but here are 4 must-haves!! ” username=”SummerTelban”]
Ask Direct Questions About What You Want To Know // Don’t beat around the bush, friends! Ask the questions that you really want to ask. Be honest in your questions! If you’re not being direct in what you’re asking, you can’t expect to get direct answers. It’s that simple. Whatever the reason you’re hosting a reader survey – it’s the new year, you’re introducing a product, etc. – be direct in the questions you’re wanting to ask your readers.
- Would you be interested in _____?
- Why or why not would you be interested in _____?
- Would you purchase _____ if I offered it? Why or why not?
- Would you participate in _____?
Ask For Feedback And Suggestions // More often than not, your dedicated readers are always happy to provide you with feedback and suggestions. I have gotten some incredible suggestions as to what to write about from my reader surveys, as my readers truly are invested in my blog and what it stands for.
- Is there a topic you would like to see me write more about?
- Is there a topic that I have never written about, but you’d love me to?
- What have you enjoyed the most about my blog?
- What are some things that I can improve on to make your readership better, easier, and more worthwhile?
- Is there anything else you’d like me to know?
[bctt tweet=”4 Things To Remember When Having A Reader Survey ” username=”SummerTelban”]
Take Everything With A Grain Of Salt // You will have people take advantage of the fact that they’re anonymous. This means that some people might say rude things and try to discourage you. Disregard those comments. I have had hateful comments about me to judgmental comments on my sponsored content, and they were the worst to read. I have learned to forget the haters! Don’t let them steal your joy or passion for blogging!
Always Remember Context // If someone leaves a shocking comment or says they don’t really like a certain topic, check the general questions about their age to how long they’ve been a reader of yours. I had some negative comments about certain topics before, but when I went to look at the context of things, they were extremely new readers of mine who simply didn’t understand why I wrote about certain things.
Don’t Jump To The Defense Right Away // This is the toughest thing for me to remember with reader surveys. Whenever someone says something negative or even constructive, I can automatically jump to the defense and try to justify myself. There are always areas we can grow in and this is a great way to acknowledge that.
Always Have Grace // Grace is something I think the blogging community in general needs more of. We need to have more grace with one another. We need to have more grace with our readers. We need to have more grace with ourselves. Grace upon grace, my friends. This is how we truly grace. Remember grace!
[bctt tweet=”Reader surveys are HUGE for your blog’s growth! You need to have them, blog friends!” username=”SummerTelban”]
So that’s pretty much a wrap, my friends! That’s what you need to know about reader surveys: why you need to have them, what to include in them, and what to remember when reading the results. To those who’ve hosted reader surveys, what are some tips you’d give to someone wanting to host one for the first time? What is your top tip for reader surveys? Let’s chat, bloggers!
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