Happy Friday, everyone! If you’re a blogger, you’re in the right place today. I’m so excited to dive into today’s blog post and if it speaks to you… you’ll want in on the details towards the end of the post. 😉
If you’ve been putting off some important blog tasks, whether it be content creation all the way to scheduling promotions out in advance, I’m so glad you’re here. If you’ve been feeling alone in your blogging journey and unable to grow, I’m so glad you’re here!
[bctt tweet=”7 Signs That You Need A Blog Coach” username=”SummerTelban”]
Today, we’re going to be diving into something that I’m really passionate about and that’s blog coaching. I launched my little coaching side hustle a little over a year ago. I had reached the point in blogging that I wanted to share all of my knowledge with fellow bloggers but I knew that I had to do so in a professional way. With years of blogging, trial and errors, failures and successes, I knew exactly what I had to do. I needed to become a blog coach. Before I go any further about how much I love being a blog coach and a *special* surprise at the end, let’s get into the nitty-gritty.
1. You’re feeling lost in your vision and need to gain clarity. Feeling lost in your brand and all that you envision for it is discouraging and draining. I have been there before and totally understand it. It’s almost the feeling you get before you’re tempted to throw in the towel and call it quits.
A blog coach is someone who can walk you through that time and better yet, give you the professional advice and tools that you need to navigate through it. A blog coach isn’t just going to throw a ton of tasks at you. Nope! They’re going to walk alongside you to help you gain clarity and vision in your blog once again. Not only that, they’ll also help you brainstorm new ideas that you never considered before.
2. You’re in need of some fresh eyes and a teammate. Tying into point number one, a blog coach gives you some fresh, new eyes on your content. Sometimes we can develop tunnel vision and in doing so, we prevent ourselves from seeing our content and future content in a new light. A blog coach is someone who’s going to tell you exactly what they see and exactly what you need to improve on to further your growth.
Remember, “two heads are better than one.” When you decide you need to hire a blog coach you’re adding a new person to your executive team, which is going to help you grow faster than you would if you continued to go it alone. Teamwork makes the dream work, friends! If you’re ready to put in the work and take on the suggestions of another person, then you’re ready for a blog coach.
[bctt tweet=”Remember, two heads are better than one. When you decide you need to hire a blog coach you’re adding a new person to your executive team!” username=”SummerTelban”]
3. You’ve found yourself stuck and have grown stagnant. Stagnancy and lack of inspiration can be a very trying time in your blogging journey but you do have the ability to push past it! Working with a blog coach can help you move past it faster than you would be able to alone. Why? Because blog coaches get it. They’ve been there themselves and already know how to move past those times to further success.
Sometimes you just need someone to speak to your potential and speak into your blogging journey and that’s a huge part of a coaches job. They’re your personal cheerleader. They’ve got your back and will fight for you through the ups and downs!
4. You want faster results. Clear cut. You want faster results. You’re ready to put in the hard work to grow your blog but you need someone on your side. If you’re a serious blogger of any kind, you know that it takes a ton of time to develop strategies that’ll work for you. But, maybe you don’t have all the time in the world to devote to the research right now. Hiring a blog coach will help you on the path to where you want to go faster because a coach can show you the ropes that they climbed to get where they are now.
[bctt tweet=”Hiring a blog coach will help you on the path to where you want to go faster because a coach can show you the ropes that they climbed to get where they are now.” username=”SummerTelban”]
5. You know you need some tough love. Sometimes we can get in the way of our own success because we’re too set in our ways. Most of us know this. When you work with a blog coach they’re going to keep everything raw and real for you. This includes the times where you need some tough love to really learn that your current strategies aren’t working for you or you need to expand on your creativity. Sometimes we all need someone to just sit us down and say, “Hey, this isn’t working for you but I can help you find a better way.” A blog coach is someone who’ll keep you accountable but will at the same time keep you encouraged!
6. You want to make money with your blog. Whether you’re a hobby blogger wanting to start to explore the options of monetizing your blog or if you’re a seasoned blogger needing to sharpen your skills, a blog coach can help you with all of it.
A couple things to note if making money if your goal…
- Starting a blog just to make money is not a good intention. Blogging is not a “get rich quick” scheme in any way! Trust me, haha.
- Always do your research that the blog coach you’re considering actually has experience in making money through all avenues – affiliate marketing, brand work, and more.
7. You’re completely overwhelmed. Blogging can be very overwhelming from content creation to promotion, from growing your email list to social media platforms all the way to sorting through all of your ideas. Even being too inspired and creative can cause you to become completely overwhelmed. There’s a lot that can cause overwhelm and that’s where a blog coach can step in and help you focus on one thing at a time, from most important to the mundane tasks.
If you’re convinced that you need a blog coach, keep on reading.
[bctt tweet=”@SummerTelban is offering a huge promo on her Blog Coaching Packages until September 28th!” username=””]
For two weeks only, from Friday, September 13th to Friday, September 28th, if you book a coaching package with me, you’ll get a ton of perks for FREE. Yep, free.
Why? Because I believe in you and I want to help equip you with everything you need to grow your blog where you want it to be.
My coaching packages are focused on both blogging and social media, but they’re customized to exactly what YOU need help with.
As a blogger myself, I know that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to blogging journeys. This is why we’ll work together and focus on what you’re specifically needing help with.
[bctt tweet=”There is no ~one size fits all~ when it comes to blogging journeys which is why I customize all of my coaching packages to YOUR needs.” username=”SummerTelban”]
There are SO many different blog courses out there but the issue with those is that they don’t cater to just YOU.
What you’ll be getting for FREE…
- My e-book, LEVERAGE Your Lifestyle Blog (over 50 pages of content and worksheets to hone in on your foundational needs all the way to branding and more)
- Secure 1 additional hour-long video session with me (4 total!)
- Access to an exclusive Facebook group for current clients only. This is huge because it gives you an extra chance to learn and grow and form more relationships with other like-minded bloggers.
- 2019 Content Calendar Templates, along with steps and tips to brainstorm your best content yet.
If you’re wanting more information or really want to find out if you’d be a good fit for my sessions, please email me! I would love to chat with you!
[bctt tweet=”7 Signs That You’re Ready For A Blog Coach” username=”SummerTelban”]
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