What’s the meaning behind Coffee With Summer? When I first started this blog, it was just a personal space to write about things in my life that I was passionate about. Since I love coffee and honest conversations, I figured something simple like “Coffee With Summer” just made sense for my space on the internet.
What camera do you use? These days, I use my iPhone 11Pro for the majority of my photos. Prior to becoming a mama, I used my Canon 5D Mark ii with the majority of my photos shot with a 50mm lens.
Who takes your photos? The majority of the time, I take my own photos. I use a tripod and self-timer. Michael helps me shoot a good portion of my content, as well.
Can I guest post on your blog? No, I do not accept any guest posts.
Do you want to join my affiliate program? No. At this time, I’m not joining any one-off affiliate programs.
Why do you write sponsored content? Blogging is one of my greatest passions and now it’s been my profession for over 4 years. Partnering with brands that I love and believe in helps me to provide an income for my family and to keep CWS up and running. Content creation is my profession.
How do you choose what sponsored content to share? Sometimes I pitch to brands one-on-one with specific ideas for a partnership and other times, I apply to campaigns through blogger networks. Brands also reach out to me directly. I only ever pitch or accept pitches from brands/small businesses that I already love, believe in, and use, or have a high interest in. I won’t take on a sponsored campaign just for the money. All sponsored content I create is always 100% my genuine experience with the brand/product.
Are you still offering your New Blogger Coaching Services? At this time, I am not offering any blog coaching services.
What advice do you have for new bloggers? Starting a blog is not something you can do in a day or really, any short amount of time. You need to take your time in developing a mission and focus for your blog. You don’t have to niche down, but you have to have a clear focus on what your blog is about and who it will resonate with. When you have your “why” for blogging set in stone, you’re going to be able to grow faster and always have confidence in all that you create and write through your blog. I also encourage you to find Facebook support groups for bloggers. Networking with other bloggers and content creators is an essential key for growth!
What do you use for lighting equipment when shooting videos? None! Well, no fancy equipment here. Natural light is a love of mine, so I always try to shoot in natural light. I do have a ring light but I rarely use it and when I do, it’s to shoot TikTok videos.