Hey, everyone! It’s time for another round-up of what’s been happening in my life and Coffee With Summer lately. Enjoy!
Happenings //
– We got our Save the Dates out in the mail!
– You can now sign up for CWS Newsletters: here!
– Michael and I won a FREE wedding photography package from the sweetest photographer ever.
– Michael got asked to go on a last-minute missions trip to the Dominican Republic as a tech. He comes back tomorrow. Goodness, I’ve missed him but I am so proud of him.
– The semester seems to be going by fast, but my motivation to do my work isn’t 100% there. I have definitely got “senioritis”.
Grab a cup, get caught up //
– If you’re feeling down or unworthy, check out my post on how God uses broken things.
– I got super real and posted about how we’re undeserving of God’s love and grace and yet, He still extends it to us. God is so good.
– Natalie from A Tiny Traveler and I spent a morning in Philadelphia sipping tea and trying on wedding dresses. It was a lovely time!
– I am hosting (until tonight at midnight) a $100 giveaway to ItsyToDo! Go check them out!
Grab another, you’ll love these //
– Natalie shares how to be content in all things, instead of letting comparison be the thief of joy.
– I loved Rachel’s “heart of the matter” post, where she talked about not letting our feelings and thoughts be the center of our lives.
– You need to read Stephanie’s post on how to make your own Valentine’s Day chocolates.
– Amy shared about how God’s plan is irrevocable and that the bumps and bruises along the way, are worth it in the end.