WOW. Hello, July! I seriously have no idea how you snuck in so fast. I had a week break from blogging last week, as I was visiting home, and I totally forgot to publish my goals post for the month. Let’s dive in!
First things first, before we get into my July Goals, let’s check in on how I did with my June Goals. It’s so important to hold yourself to some kind of accountability when you’re wanting to grow and bloom in an area.
Grow My Instagram // I did work on this goal, but didn’t reach the number I wanted. I’ve been in a weird funk with Instagram lately – only posting 1-2 times a week. I’ve got to change this. Follow me on Instagram if you’re not already!
Go On Regular Photoshoots // I have! Can’t wait to keep it up!
Revamp My Sponsorship Program // I did!! Get updated on it HERE!
Wake Up Earlier // I have been, but mostly because work requires it. Always room to grow here.
Lose 5-7 lbs. // I have failed here and I am kicking myself for it. I have lost 2 lbs.
Try Out Periscope // I was trying to brainstorm all month, but just couldn’t get to it. I’m still up for trying it, but thinking Snapchat may be more successful for me.
Post More On Instagram // Gosh, I have been in such an Instagram rut lately. I have only been posting 1-2 times a week and it totally needs to change ASAP. I’d really love to hit 5k followers by the end of the summer, so I’m hoping to reevaluate my Instagram strategy, especially since it’s taken a hit with the new algorithm change (yuck!)
Plan A Giveaway For My 2nd Blogiversary // In just a few weeks, Coffee With Summer will be celebrating its 2nd Blogiversary! I want this to be huge, because this is a huge accomplishment for me! CWS has come so far in just two short years. It’s crazy!
Write Ahead // I know I have said this is an on-going goal, but I have been doing really well here for the most part. I’d love to be able to be a week ahead all of the time…now to make it a reality.
Do A Cleanse With My Husband // Michael and I are both wanting to lose weight and start to form healthier lifestyles when it comes to food. We’re thinking a cleanse will be a good first step in the right direction to get ourselves back to the basics. If you have any recommendations that are affordable and legitimately work, let me know!
Figure Out Our Budget // Man, life is almost impossible to pay for, haha. But seriously. It’s hard to figure out how to balance and pay for everything when society makes it nearly impossible for you to do so. Hoping we can figure out a good budget that works for us, as well as extra ways to make more money. I hate that money is the #1 thing holding us back from everything we want our future to be.
Remember Grace // It has always been hard for me to allow myself grace, but honestly, there’s no way I can survive without it. It’s good to pressure yourself to do well, but it’s not healthy to deny yourself grace in the process.
What are some of your goals for the month of July? Let’s chat, friends!
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