While October is one of the most beautiful months of the year, there’s something about November that’ll always capture my heart. Hello, November.
To say that this past month (or past few months) have been messy and crazy is a complete understatement. Life gets like that some seasons, and I have been learning to be okay with it. Messy is all about the process of becoming who we are meant to be. It will all make sense one day. That’s what I keep telling myself.
Hit 6,000 on Instagram // YIKES. Didn’t quite get there. I’m about half way there, though. I am currently sitting at about 5,500! I have been putting SO much time in to my Instagram and strategy, so I’m hoping it’ll show off one day.
Work On Growing Pinterest // Eh, to be honest – I forgot about this goal! I have spent a lot more time on Pinterest than I did over the summer, but I didn’t really zone in and reevaluate my strategy like I wanted to.
Re-Do My Pinterest Cover Photos // Eep. Man. I just completely went off course with my blog goals this past month.
Read A Book // I started a book! I started a book that I got from my Faithbox that I’ll be sharing more about at the end of this week.
Learn how To Breathe Again // I am trying. But gosh, life just always seems to throw more at me whenever I am truly seeking rest.
Hit 6,100 Followers On Instagram // While this may still be a huge goal, I am hoping to finally have the money to invest into an Instagram “course”. There have been tons of bloggers out there who’ve experienced genuine growth form investing into this course, so I’m really interested in giving it a try. If I can get to purchase it, I hope that I can quickly implement what it teaches so that I can start to grow to where I should be. If you like coffee, encouragement, style, and more – follow me on Instagram!
Get Style Posts Back Up & Running // I have been loving being able to share my style with you all and according to the comments I have been receiving on my style posts, it looks like you’re enjoying it, too! My goal is to have one a week. I’m hoping to get to go on a few different shoots this month to shoot multiple outfits at a time so that I never run out of outfits to write about.
Analyze My Reader Survey Results // I have been reading my reader survey results as they come in and I have already been getting a couple new ideas for Coffee With Summer. I want to continue to use the results to grow. I am not rebranding 100% anymore, but I eventually want to redesign and zone in on a sharper writing focus. It takes time though, and I’m trying to remember and be okay with that.
Start Up My Email Newsletter Again // Being completely honest, I tried to focus on my email newsletter at the start of the year and I completely failed. It ended up being more work than I originally thought. In my reader survey, I asked if you would be interested in a newsletter that’d be sent out every other week, and the large majority said yes or that you’d be generally interested. So, I’m going to give this another go! I’ll consider November a bit of a “trial month” and ask for feedback at the end. I want to give you (my readers) what you want, but sometimes I have to choose what’s easier at the time for me. Here’s to hoping this is a success this time! If you’d like to subscribe, you can do so by going here OR by finding the sign-up form on my sidebar.
Get All Of My Christmas Shopping Done // I want to be done all of my shopping before Black Friday! I am actually not a fan of Black Friday, as it’s simply chaotic and would give me crazy anxiety. When I shop, I like to be relax and able to enjoy the process. I’d rather be inside wrapping gifts when everyone else is out in the craziness. Anyone else trying to get this done, too?
Finalize Holiday Cards & Photo // I really want to start up doing yearly Holiday cards for Michael and I. While I think they’re kind of silly to do if you don’t have kids…I’m totally doing them since Michael and I adopted our kitten, Juniper this year! I’ll post final results once I have them…Juniper may or may not be in a Santa costume.
Have A Self-Care Night Twice // While self-care is something I weave into my regular life, I want to be more intentional on setting more dedicated time aside. I haven’t had a bath with a bath bomb in months – I could really use the relaxation time!
Cherish Where I’m At // If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed that I have been quite transparent at where I’m at in life. It’s not an easy season. But, I still have a ton to be grateful for no matter what.
What are some of your goals for the month of November? Do we share any of the same? I’d love to hear what you’re focusing on. Let’s chat!
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