Oh, October! How I adore you! October means that fall is finally in full swing! I couldn’t be more excited.
Life is super crazy and it’s full of ups and downs. This past month was such a rollercoaster for me! Let’s check-in on my September goals before zoning in on my October goals.
Surpass 5,000 Followers On Instagram & Post At Least 5x A Week // Done and so close! I have posted just under the 20 photos I was aiming for this month. It’s still a huge improvement for me.
Start To Develop My Rebrand More // Totally failed here. Life has to come before the blog sometimes. I’m definitely going to take my time with my slight rebrand.
Find An Additional Job That I’ll Enjoy // Did not complete. I have been looking, but I’m being very picky as to what I want to give my time to. My anxiety is also playing a huge roadblock here, so I’m just really hoping that I can finally push through this next month.
Work On My Driving Anger/Patience // Being honest here, I was doing better at the start of the month and then towards the end, I could’ve been better. It’s a work in progress!
Go On An Adventure With My Husband // We did go to Lancaster on a Saturday afternoon for coffee and a trip to the mall out there, so that counts! It’s been a crazy month for us both, so I’m hoping we can find more time to get out since it’s fall.
Hit 6,000 on Instagram // Instagram is one of the most influential social media platforms right now and I want to really experience growth there. Genuine growth is often times, very slow. It’s really frustrating to me that my growth is so slow, as I am putting my all into my Instagram strategy. I am doing all of the “right” things. I am not one of those people who use bots to follow/unfollow for them or to be ingenuine in anyway. Shooting for almost 850 more followers than I have right now is a huge jump for just a month for me, but I think I can do it. Here’s to doing all I can to achieve genuine followers the right and authentic way!
Work On Growing Pinterest // I have been stagnant on Pinterest for way too many months now. Pinterest is probably the greatest reach tool for bloggers and I need to reevaluate my strategy so that I can experience some great growth. I’m a part of multiple group boards, pin daily, and more, but I’m stuck. I dropped Tailwind simply because I can’t afford another scheduler right now, but I haven’t seen a drop since not scheduling. If you’re a Pinterest wizard, let me know one of your favorite tips in the comments!
Re-do My Pinterest Cover Photos // My Pinterest cover photos were looking awesome until Pinterest decided to change the dimensions of the graphics, so I need to make new ones.
Read A Book // You guys, I am not a reader of books. I am a reader of blogs. I am a reader of articles and magazines, but I am not a reader of books. I want this to change. I have been dying to get my hands on Shauna Niequist’s new book, “Present Over Perfect”. I have read quotes online from the book and my gosh, her words are speaking to my soul. I think I won’t be able to put this one down. I can’t wait for it to get here in the mail.
Learn How To Breathe Again // Life has been a wild ride this year and I have gotten into the habit of keeping myself locked up inside myself. I am in a strange season of self, but I don’t want to be in this season anymore. I want to let go. I want to learn how to breathe again. I hope to be more intentional about life and more importantly, my thoughts. I need to be renewed.
What about you? What are some goals you have for yourself this October? What’s a huge goal that you’re working on? What’s something small that has big impact? I’d love to hear and cheer you on!
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