A couple weeks ago I shared my first mood board with you all, as I am hoping that creating mood boards as a new form of inspiration will stretch my creativity. I am looking forward to where this series goes for me. I encourage you to all keep up and to even create some mood boards of your own.
Today I decided to share some photos that are really inspiring to me, and the major thing they all have in common are light leaks. I like to consider myself a person who is a very deep thinker and likes to discover different interpretations of all things art and life.
A picture is worth more than a thousand words to me; it’s also a thousand feelings and memories. I’m just always intrigued by what the purpose of each photo really means, since we all expound differently.
One of the other things I really took notice to when putting these boards together was that they all included people. I don’t know why, but I have always been attracted to photos of hands. I know that probably sounds weird, but I’m just caught captured by the multiple meanings they could have for different people – reaching for someone or something, or even letting go and surrendering.
I want to be stretched in my way of thinking and feeling, and photos really help me branch out in this way. Can you relate? I’d love for you to share with me.
*Disclaimer: Photos are not mine. 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8