Has the urge of wanderlust ever hit you really hard one day, and all you want to do is pack a suitcase and go? Does that ever happen to you? It sure happens to me. A lot. You get a feeling deep down in your soul and you just want to run away and explore around the world. Yep, that definitely happens to me.
Even though spontaneity is healthy and good for the soul every now and then, let’s not let ourselves grow naive to forget the behind-the-scenes of adventure.
“Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul.” – Jaime Lyn Beatty
Now before you start mhmmming and amening, pause for a moment. This quote is very true, but I think the most important piece to the puzzle of adventure is missing in this quote. And what piece is that? The logical piece.
Yes, jobs fill our pocket, but don’t you need money and other necessities to travel? How else would you be able acquire those things if you didn’t work for them? How would you find the funds for travel, food and activities during your adventure if you didn’t work for them? Working is a must in life, especially if you want to venture out.
Being young, everyone seems to focus on not wanting to grow up and to just travel around all of the time. But, I have to break it to you – that’s just not reality. Growing up has to happen, but I want to encourage you in the truth that it doesn’t have to be a miserable experience. Take it on and embrace every experience of growing up, just how you would a new adventure, because that’s what growing up is; an adventure.
When I start to daydream about certain things in my future, including traveling, I’ll often whine about wishing it could be now. My fiancé always keeps me grounded and reminds me of this saying…”Pay now, play later”.
I know that sounds boring and slightly annoying, but don’t let that saying get you down. Instead, let it motivate you to work harder! Use this time to prepare to make your future fun; even more fun than it would be if all your trips were spontaneous. I promise that when you put in the extra time and effort into investing for your future travels, you’ll come to find that you’ll appreciate those times of discovery even more than you would have off of a whim.
Now I am not an expert at traveling by any means, especially since I am still in the preparation stage, but here is my bit of advice to those with a heart yearning to travel. (This goes for myself, as well).
WORK HARD – Build a quality, admirable work ethic.
MAKE GOALS – Know the details of what you want to achieve and how to reach them. If taking to the sky in a large commercial plane is something that makes you break out in a sweat, hiring a private jet from Jettly may help ease those nerves.
RESEARCH – Learn different ways to budget and find a method that works for you.
SAVE UP – Tuck that money away and before you know it, it’ll be time to venture out.
ENJOY – When the season of preparation is over, venture out and have the time of your life.