Hey lovely bride! Are you stressed out to the max? Are you completely freaking out with all of the wedding planning? Are you just wanting to get away from it all for a little while? If you answered a resounding, “YES!!!” to any of those questions, then you’ve come to the right place.
Wedding planning is not for the faint of heart. It’s hard work and takes a lot of patience and time. Wedding planning can become overwhelming from the picture you have in your head for your big day to the opinions of others. Let’s be real, it’s a freaking lot. I know. I feel ya! I have been there!
Thinking back to when I was planning my wedding over 3 years ago, I remember the stress and the pressure that I felt consistently. I also planned my wedding in under 7 months since my now husband and I chose to have a short engagement, so that added even more tasks to my plate with less time to do them all. Back when I was wedding planning, I thought I had all of my stress handled but looking back now, I realize I was just kidding myself, haha. Well, some days I was!
So, if you’re a busy bride or one who’s stressed the heck out with all that goes into wedding planning, I’m glad you’ve stumbled across this page today. Today, I’m going to be sharing some self-care tips just for you busy & stressed out brides! Let’s dive in so that you’re one step closer to feeling more relaxed and zen as you continue to prep for the best day of your life.
[bctt tweet=”Self-Care Tips For Busy & Stressed Out Brides” username=”SummerTelban”]
1. Take At Least 1-2 Days Off Wedding Planning A Week // Wedding planning is basically a full-time job, right? And wedding planning is just like any other job when it comes to needing a break from it. You’ll drive yourself crazy if you’re wedding planning every single day. Give yourself at least 1-2 days off from wedding planning each week. This means absolutely NO planning during your days off! … No browsing Pinterest, no taking wedding-related phone calls, and no wedding talk at all… nothing wedding related is allowed.
[bctt tweet=”Wedding planning is basically a full-time job, and just like any other job, you need to take regular breaks from it.” username=”SummerTelban”]
2. Avoid Wedding Talk When Possible // On your days “off” from wedding planning, wedding talk isn’t allowed. But let’s chat everyday life for a moment here. Everyone knows you’re planning a wedding and will probably always ask you about it every chance they get. But brides, you don’t actually have to talk about wedding planning if you don’t want to. All you have to say is that you’re taking a break from wedding talk right now or you can just smile and say, “It’s going so great! Thanks for asking!” … even if some days that might be a tiny fib. 😉 Those you’re around most of the time probably won’t bug you too much with wedding talk, so you’re lucky there! But, really – one thing that saved my sanity was setting a boundary line on when I talk about wedding things. Do it. You’ll be glad you did.
3. Pamper Yourself Regularly // You’re a glowing bride and you have to keep up that glow. 🙂 Heck, you should already be pampering yourself regularly but when you’re a bride, you sure deserve to do it even more so! Stock up on your favorite bubble bath or bath bombs, treat yourself to your favorite wine, and buy a new face mask each week. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself. The stress and overwhelm that can be brought on from wedding planning is not healthy and one of the best ways to combat it is by pampering yourself to some “me time” that’s completely unplugged and serene.
4. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate // I’m sure some of you lovelies out there are saying, “But Summer, I’m a control freak. I need to be in control of everything!” I get it, I do. I’m a control freak myself, haha. But seriously. Delegating is one great way to relieve yourself from wedding planning stress. That’s why you have bridesmaids! Don’t be afraid to put them to use when you need to. Have them help with DIY’s, calling around places, and even running small errands. They’re your girls for a reason. They love you and want to help you! Let them.
5. Eat Well // All brides typically become extra aware of what they’re consuming leading up to the wedding and sometimes that can actually lead to becoming unhealthy. If you’re not getting the proper nutrition that you need, you’re not only putting your health at risk but you’re also setting yourself up for more stress. When you’re eating well and staying hydrated, your body is happy and healthy. Therefore, it’ll handle stress better and you won’t feel so drained all of the time.
6. Get Some Girl Time In // Something that’s always sure to calm a girl down is some time with her girls! Get some of your best friends together and have a girls night or day out together. Go shopping, grab brunch, or go out and have some cocktails! Let loose, laugh a lot, and have a great time with your friends! Now, don’t forget about this. Get some girl time in as regularly as you can!
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7. Have A Simple Date Night With Your Man // Take some time away from wedding planning together and make sure you and your man get some date nights in. They don’t have to be extravagant or anything, but it’s so important to spend time together with your man! Have fun together and soak it all in. Get excited together!
8. Get Your Beauty Sleep On // Wedding planning on top of everything else in life is exhausting, so it’s important that you sleep well. Try to get in your 8 hours each night and sleep in when you’re able to. This is also the perfect time to become a nap queen because hey, every bride needs her beauty sleep!
9. Workout Your Stress Away // Many brides maintain a regular workout routine as they get ready for their big day, but working out is more than that. Exercising is a great way to get rid of stress. Plus, it can be fun, too! Finding a type of exercise that you love is so important so that working out doesn’t seem like a chore.
10. Sit Back & Breathe // When you need a moment to “just be” or when all else fails, sit back and breathe. When everything wedding planning is overwhelming, just take a moment and breathe. Regroup and then get back at it. Take some deep breaths and remember why you’re wedding planning in the first place.
[bctt tweet=”Are you stressed to the max with your wedding planning? Make time for self-care! Check out these tips!” username=”SummerTelban”]
Are you planning a wedding? What are some ways you step back and get some self-care time in? Self-care is so important and it’ll only make everything “wedding” that much better! Let’s chat!
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