Have you ever just had a really bad day or week? I’m sure you have, as bad days are something we all deal with from time to time during our lives. I’m currently in one of those temporary seasons. Last week was such a tough week for me. It seemed like everything that could go wrong, went wrong. From personal issues to learning how to balance everything in my life, it’s been really difficult over the past week.
There are some people out there who claim the saying “no bad days”, and while that’s such an ideal wish, it’s not reality. I’m not saying that to be negative, I’m just keeping it real. Bad days happen to everyone. And you know what? That’s okay! It’s normal in this world.
Something I’m learning in a new way is to not let the bad days ruin my spirit. While it’s okay to get discouraged and feel down, it’s not okay to stay there. I’m learning to choose to reach for a better feeling, even when I don’t feel like reaching for one. I’m learning to tune into self-care more during these bad days, because these are some of the days I need it most.
Today, I’m sharing some of my favorite self-care ideas and activities to do when I’ve had a bad day. I hope they can be useful to you, too!
Cancel Plans // If you’ve had a rough day and you know that you need some alone time, cancel any plans that you might have. Cancel your plans, and don’t try to explain yourself in detail. You don’t need to validate your need for some self-care time to others. You don’t need to validate it to yourself, either.
[bctt tweet=”You don’t need to validate your need for some self-care time to others.” username=”SummerTelban”]
Talk It Out // When I become overwhelmed with bad days, sometimes I just want to scream. Try screaming it out in your pillow and if that doesn’t work, try talking it out with a trusted friend or family member. I’m thankful that my husband lets me vent and rant when I need it the most. He’s a great listener and gives great advice if I need it.
Write It Out // If you can’t talk it out with someone or you’re not ready to just yet, try writing it out. Journaling is a great way to get everything off of your chest and it’s one amazing way to reflect. Reflection is something that’s so important to do in life. While you’re journaling and after you’ve journaled, be mindful of reflection. You will grow from these bad days.
[bctt tweet=”You will grow from the bad days that you have. No season is ever wasted.” username=”SummerTelban”]
Cuddle Your Pet // Animals can sense when you’re down. They really can. I used to think it was only a dog thing, as I grew up with dogs all my life. But after getting a cat a year ago, I can say it’s the same for them, too. My cat will always come cuddle up near me wherever I am when I’m down. She does the same for my husband, too! Cuddle your pet and show them some extra attention. Play with them. It’ll make you feel a whole lot lighter in spirit.
If you don’t have a pet to cuddle, I recommend simply laying in bed holding a pillow. Don’t be on your phone. Just be there and let yourself feel secure.
[bctt tweet=”8 Self-Care Ideas For The Bad Days” username=”SummerTelban”]
Indulge In Your Favorites // I’m sure you have many favorite things… a favorite movie, band, candle, and comfort food, right? I know I do. When you’ve had a bad day (or long stream of bad days), you’re more than allowed to indulge in your favorite things. For me, I’ve been loving binge-watching the Vampire Diaries (never followed it when it came out), lighting my current favorite candle from Bath & Body Works, and breaking out my favorite moscato. When you let yourself take part in the things you enjoy, you’re giving yourself permission to find joy in the midst of troubles.
[bctt tweet=”Give yourself permission to find joy in the midst of your troubles.” username=”SummerTelban”]
Go To Bed Early // Yeah, I know it seems like this point is in every self-care post of mine, haha. But let’s be honest, sleep can fix bad days! I have been going to be earlier during this season of mine and it’s been refreshing. If you need someone to give you permission to go to bed early, I’m telling you now – go to bed early!
Switch From Coffee To Tea // I love my coffee and everyone knows it. Coffee is definitely a BFF of mine, but sometimes I have to take a break from consuming it. When I’m anxious and on high alert, it’s never a good idea for me to drink coffee. It increases my anxiety and overwhelms me more. Do you experience the same? So, what I like to do is to switch from coffee to tea. Tea always helps to calm me down, even if it does have some caffeine in it. Chamomile tea are some of my favorites when I’m having a bad day.
Cry It Out // Sometimes you need a really good cry. Don’t be ashamed to cry out your frustrations and stresses. It’s okay to cry and show emotion. It amazing how much a good, long cry can do for you. It helps you to feel everything you’re feeling, it helps you express those feelings, and it helps you to release some stress of your shoulders. So, when in doubt, cry it out.
[bctt tweet=”Have a bad day? When in doubt, cry it out.” username=”SummerTelban”]
What’s your go-to when you’re having a bad day? Do you talk it out? Cry it out? Indulge in your favorites? Do you have any tips that’d hep helpful to someone going through a rough patch? Let’s chat!
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Keep your head up,