Are you confident in yourself? Do you believe in yourself and your potential? If you’re looking to grow your confidence, I have 5 actionable tips for you today.
My self-confidence journey has always kind of looked like a rollercoaster. I have some days where my self-confidence is booming – I’m proud of where I’m at and I acknowledge how large my potential is for what I can become. But then I have the days where I’m just down and out, where my self-confidence is completely nowhere to be found. Instead of cheering myself on, I’m sitting around criticizing myself for not being where I want to be yet. When I start to tear myself down, that’s where the doubt settles in and tries its best to take over.
Self-confidence is something that I will always be growing in, and I think it’s probably true to say that I’m not alone in this, right? We’re always growing and becoming better versions of ourselves. I’m definitely not a confidence pro, but I have learned some key ways to consistently grow in self-confidence.
1. Think Positively & Talk Positively To Yourself – One of the most important things I have been doing for myself in my confidence journey is learning to not just think positively about myself, but to also talk positively to myself. I have never been someone who’s overly optimistic, especially when it comes to myself, so it’s always been hard to refocus my thoughts from negative to positive when it comes to myself. It’s something that I have to keep on training myself to do. Whenever the negative thoughts creep in, I have to teach myself to combat them with positive truths.
[bctt tweet=”When the negative thoughts creep in, combat them with positive truths.” username=”SummerTelban”]
The way you talk to yourself creates your reality. This is something I have learned the hard way over the years, and I’m sharing this with you so you don’t have to go through the same thing. Kick the negative self-talk out of your life for good. You’re so much more than what your thoughts might narrow you down to be.
Choose to speak life over yourself. Choose to speak love over yourself. Choose to speak purpose over yourself.
RELATED READING: 7 Tips To Practice Positive Self-Talk
2. Accept & Learn From Your Mistakes – We are all human. No one is perfect. We have all made our fair share of mistakes and troubles. And you know what? That’s totally okay. It’s okay to make mistakes, but it’s not okay to dwell on them. Take the time to acknowledge and accept your mistakes. Reflect on them, but only in the context of wanting to learn from them. The mistakes we make in life are all ones that we can learn from.
Some mistakes may be messier than others, but it’s a sure thing that we can always learn at least one new lesson from each mistake that we make. Mistakes are awkward and uncomfortable, but let those feelings challenge you to learn and grow from them. In the midst of what looks unfortunate, always look for opportunities for growth.
The more you choose to learn from your mistakes, instead of dwelling on them, the freer you’ll feel. When you’re free and growing, your confidence will be constantly illuminating all the more.
[bctt tweet=”In the midst of what looks unfortunate, always look for opportunities for growth. ” username=”SummerTelban”]
3. Hone In On Proper Self-Care – I’m a huge self-care advocate! I believe that in order to grow and be healthy, you have to dedicate yourself to investing in proper self-care. Self-care is everything from getting the proper amount of sleep at night all the way to treating yourself when you need a pick-me-up. If you’re struggling in the confidence department, check-in and make sure you’re taking proper care of yourself. Oftentimes, when I’m feeling down about myself and where I’m at it’s because I haven’t devoted myself to proper self-care in awhile.
Self-care is not something that should be optional. Everyone needs to tend to self-care. When you spend the time rejuvenating yourself, you’ll find that you’ll be in more cheerful spirits. With a more cheerful spirit, you’ll be able to cheer yourself on in happy and healthy confidence!
4. Stop Comparing Yourself To Others – The comparison trap gets to everyone at one point or another, whether we want to admit that or not. Comparing yourself to others is nothing but harmful, unfair, and robbing. When you spend your time comparing yourself to others, you’re essentially fooling yourself. When you waste your time and energy on what someone else has and you don’t have, you’ll start to lose your passion and motivation.
Comparisons are always unfair, especially when you’re comparing yourself to others. You don’t know everything that the person you’re comparing yourself to has gone through or is going through. Sure, they may seem like they have it together and they just might, but you really don’t know for sure. Don’t sit around and compare the worst of yourself to what you think is someone else’s best.
When you spend your time on comparisons, you’ll be robbed of time, motivation, potential, and joy. When you focus on what you don’t have instead of the gifts you do have, you’re only cheating yourself out of all the potential you have.
We have 86,400 seconds each day. Let’s use those seconds to focus on our gifts, accomplishments, and potential, not someone else’s highlight reel.
[bctt tweet=”We have 86,400 seconds each day. Let’s use those seconds to focus on our gifts, accomplishments, and potential, not someone else’s highlight reel.” username=”SummerTelban”]
5. Set Short-Term Goals & Celebrate Yourself // Something that has really helped me in my self-confidence journey has been setting goals. I work better and more productively when I have set goals that I want to accomplish. While I have long-term goals that I’m essentially aiming to complete in the future, what I focus more on is the short-term goals that’ll help me get there. When I work hard on my short-term goals and accomplish them, I feel so good about myself! I feel like I can truly get anything done that I set my mind and heart to.
If I were to focus on only long-term goals, I’d constantly be discouraged. Short-term goals are so important to have, friends. The more short-term goals that you have, the more you’ll excel at, which will all the more boost your confidence!
When you rock out your short-term goals, always make sure to celebrate yourself! Don’t push your accomplishments off to the side, even if you think your accomplishments are small. Your accomplishments are worth celebrating. You are worth celebrating.
What are some ways that you practice self-confidence? What’s the biggest struggle you have with becoming more confident? What are some tips you’d give to someone needing a confidence boost? Let’s chat!