Fall is finally here, my friends. I don’t know about you but I’m so happy that fall has arrived.
Fall is by far my favorite season but it does bring about one tough thing for me… self-care. Self-care always seems to be much easier for me to practice in the spring and summer months, as there’s always something to do. Plus, I think the sunshine is helpful in aiding me to keep up with it. It’s when the cooler weather starts to settle in when I tend to neglect self-care. Now I don’t really know where the root of this issue comes into play for me. It may be the fact that the days seem shorter as it gets darker out earlier. Whatever the reason is, I’m ready to find the root and conquer it!
Since fall is already in full swing for us, I figured I’d share some of the self-care ideas and activities that I’ve been enjoying already and some that I’m planning on taking part in this season. I hope these ideas spark some of your own! Or if you want to take on these activities yourself, have at it. 😉
I have them broken down by each dimension of self-care: physical, emotional/mental, social, intellectual, and spiritual.
Related Reading: The 5 Dimensions Of Self-Care
[bctt tweet=”Self-Care Ideas For Fall” username=”SummerTelban”]
1. Develop A Thorough Skincare Routine // I have said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s an absolute need to have a good skincare routine in place. And even more important than that, you need to practice it regularly. Below, I have some skincare steps that you should incorporate into your life – not all are necessary for daily use, some are weekly! I’ll be sharing more on this in the future.
- Exfoliate
- Cleanser
- Moisturize
- Charcoal facial masks
- Hydrating facial masks
- Serum
- Sunscreen
2. Get Outside & Enjoy The Fresh Air // It’s amazing what the crisp fall air can do for you, even on an overcast day. If you have a front or back porch or even a park nearby, get outside and simply enjoy the fresh air. Read a book or work on a DIY project. Go for a walk around your community without staring at your phone the entire time.
3. Make Working Out A Priority // I know that it can be hard to get into a solid workout routine but when you make it a priority and follow through with it, you are going to be so glad that you did. Getting your body moving can be tough at first but it gets your endorphins moving, making you feel better. So, not only is working out great for a physical self-care activity but it also ties into the emotional/mental aspect of self-care.
1. Declutter Your Home // Decluttering may be an activity that you physically do but it really helps your mental health. When I declutter my closet or a room (or boxes that I haven’t touched since we moved in last year), I feel so much better! I almost feel like a brand new person when I finish decluttering. It’s so good!
Things to declutter:
- Closet
- Garage/Attic
- Emails
- Pictures on your phone
- Your desktop
2. Go On A Scenic Drive // Taking a scenic drive during the fall is one of the most soothing activities, especially if you can find some backroads that aren’t traveled often. For me, a good drive helps bring me clarity. It gives me time to think and to sing my heart out with some songs that perfectly explain where I’m at – happy or sad. Plus, there’s something about the fall foliage that is just simply inspiring for the soul.
3. Ask Yourself How You’re Really Doing // I think it’s really important to always check in with yourself, especially when it comes to how you’re really doing. Have a heart-to-heart with yourself and truly check in on how you’re doing. If you find yourself feeling low, try to find the root of it and remember, if you need some help, don’t hesitate to ask someone.
1. Partake In Fall Activities With Friends // There is so much to do with friends in the fall time! There’s apple picking, pumpkin picking, autumn desert bakeoff, going for a hayride, escaping a corn maze, and so much more! So, grab your besties and get out there! … Even if you’d rather stay inside and binge watch Netflix. Netflix will always be there. Go take advantage of the season with some of your closest friends.
2. Go Get Your Nails Done // A mani/pedi is always what the doctor will order for you. Take a friend with or go and strike up a conversation with the stylist! One of my favorite ways to be social when getting a mani/pedi is planning it with one of your friends you haven’t caught up with in a while. It gives you both a great amount of time to catch up and just chat life! Oh, and be sure to pick a fun fall color for your nails.
3. Use A Groupon // I took this idea from my good friend Vanessa. Want to get social and meet some new people? Look on Groupon for some deals on activities near you! Try a barre class, yoga class, or something super fun like rock-climbing! It’s a great way to put yourself out there while engaging with new faces.
1. Learn More About Yourself // This is something I’m always a huge advocate for, especially when it comes to learning more about your personality. I’m a huge nerd when it comes to the Myers-Briggs and other personality tests. I believe everyone should take them even if it’s the free versions available online. They teach you a lot about yourself and therefore, it becomes easier to understand yourself in all situations.
2. Visit A Museum // Art museums are my personal favorite but if you’re into something else, that’s totally cool. I find when I’m in an art museum that my mind has room and wings to wander. I love trying to analyze what certain pieces mean – the depth and the root of where the artist created from. I also love to take on my own personal connections with certain pieces.
3. Play Some Games // I’m a devoted Solitaire player (on my phone, haha). I play it every night before I go to sleep – the daily challenge and then some. It helps me to unwind at the end of the day but it’s also a great way to keep your mind sharp. It also helps you focus in on your problem-solving skills.
1. Have A Long Chat With God // AKA prayer! Now, this is something we should all do regularly. I pray each multiple times throughout the day but being real here, it’s not always as deep as it should be. With the busyness of life and stress, I often use that as an excuse and honestly, that’s a super poor excuse. So, I’ve been making it a habit again to have some nice, long chats with God. I know He hears me and is for me and through prayer, He gives me guidance.
2. Take Up Yoga // I know I’ve been sharing about yoga here and there a lot lately (and there’s more coming), I’m serious – if you haven’t tried it yet, you’ve got to! For me, yoga is about mindfulness and centering myself. I’m not into the whole meditation thing but yoga hasn’t just been helping me physically but it’s also been helping me mentally and spiritually.
3. Grow Your Gratitude // Gratitude is something we should all practice every day. It’s not a Thanksgiving time only thing. It’s an everyday, real-life thing. The world we live in is a dark one but there is light wanting to break through but I think we miss that truth sometimes. We miss it because we’re caught up on chaos and everything that comes with it instead of being grateful for the lives we have, those around us, and the good that really is in the world.
[bctt tweet=”12 Self-Care Activities For Fall (physical, emotional/mental, social, intellectual, & spiritual)” username=”SummerTelban”]
What self-care activities are you focusing on this fall? Are you focusing in on one dimension of self-care more than the others? Let’s chat!
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