Hey, CWS fam. How are you doing? I’m glad to be spending some time today sharing about some of what’s been going on in my life. I always want CWS to be a place full of light and truth, and sometimes truth means sharing the not-so-fun stuff, too! 😉 I’m choosing to stay positive in all things (which isn’t always easy!) but I wanted to share where I’m at.
Life has been a rollercoaster lately with lots of good things happening but also some bleh things, too. In early April, I opened up and shared how I was struggling to create and that I learned that giving myself grace was more important. Being open and honest here, it has still been a struggle for me over the past month. Sure, I have been publishing new content that I’m proud about but I still have felt stifled in my work.
I have had many great ideas flood my mind for CWS and I have days of high motivation, but for some reason, when I go to sit down and write, I can’t get everything out. It’s weird.
I know that from the outside my job as a full-time blogger must seem blissful and an absolute dream. While yes, it is a dream and one that I’m so grateful to be living out, let me tell you — it is NOT always blissful! It’s hard work, just like any other job. There’s so much that goes into it that you don’t see.
There’s so much pressure on me to create. And it all comes from me. So if I seem a bit quiet online, I’m just giving myself space. It’s not easy! But I’m trying to be gentle with myself.
- April was an insanely busy month so I mainly focused on getting back to my normal routine. Lots of rest was required!
- I have started filming more outfit try-ons for Instagram Stories and I’m having a blast doing them! I have a “Try-Ons” highlight on my Instagram you can check out and recently, I have a dedicated highlight for my “Pink Lily” try-on hauls. Be sure to follow me on Instagram so you can get in on the action!
- The red floral 2-piece set in the photo above is SO fun for summertime and it’s only $40! That’s a huge deal considering this set comes together and not separate like most stores. You can shop it HERE.
- I got to be a part of a Blogger Closet Sale in Philly where 100% of proceeds went to the Northeast Animal Rescue. It was a blast! We raised over $1,000! It’s so awesome to get together with other bloggers but even cooler when it’s all for a good cause.
- Mike came with me to the sale and he had a great time, too! He’s the best blogger husband ever. 😉
- Little Miss Juniper… is the most expressive cat ever, haha. May 27th marks her 3-year adoption anniversary. She has brought us so much joy over the past 3 years. I don’t know what I’d do without her!
- How To Create A Self-Care Kit
- 7 IG Stories Strategies You Need To Use
- 15 Affordable Summer Dresses (Under $50)
- 4 Easy Ways To Style A Camo Dress
- 5 Ways To Feel Fresher On Your Period
WATCHING… Jane The Virgin! I am hooked. Jane The Virgin has been recommended to me for years now and I love it. I’m also, of course, watching The Bachelorette! Are you watching? What guy are you rooting for?
EATING… Yogurt & berries! YUM!
EXCITED FOR… A super awesome opportunity that I have next month! I got invited to hang out with the members of Runaway June and sip some Duke Spirits cocktails at the Carrie Underwood concert at the Giant Center in Hershey! I’m getting to take my sweet blog friend, Amanda with me. It’s going to be so much fun! Meet & greet and after party, here I come. 🙂
PLANNING… A trip to NYC towards the end of June! I have a partnership opportunity with a brand that I love and I get to attend Her Conference. This is going to be my first blog conference ever and I’m beyond pumped.
WEARING… All. The. Graphic. Tees. I am seriously addicted to wearing graphic tees, haha! I was reorganizing my closet the other day and I couldn’t believe how many I have. I have some of my recent favorites linked below for ya!
Click the images to shop!
Thanks for catching up with me today! How are you?! Tell me what’s going on in your life. What are you looking forward to? Can you believe it’s almost summertime? Let’s chat!
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First photo by The Finding Co.