What’s up? What’s up?! How is your summer going? Summertime (and everything) looks a lot different this year but I hope you’re making the most of it. I also hope that you’re being healthy and safe… and also, respectful to those around you. During this time, we should be coming together to support one another… that means not fighting having to wear a mask when appropriate, as well as proper social distancing.
Let’s be more aware and actionable on how we can ALL do our part to become more compassionate and selfless during this time. We can all do better… That’s all I’m going to say about that. 😉
ANYWAY!! It’s about time that I share a little “happenings” catch-up time with ya. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s catch up!
- Taya is going to be 5 months old next week! Where is the time going?! My growing girl is the sweetest thing. Her most recent milestone is sitting up! She still uses her arms for support but wow, she’s blowing me away. Proud mama here. 🙂
- Mike and I celebrated 5 years of marriage on June 26th! I can’t believe it’s already been 5 years. He is the most incredible husband and I’m so happy that we’re always growing together.
- We took a trip up to Massachusetts at the end of June to finally introduce Taya to some family members. It was the first time that my mom, my two sisters, and my grandma got to meet Taya, among a few others. It was so special. I’m so grateful that we were all healthy (and have been smart) so that our short trip was able to happen.
- Mike and I are still practicing social distancing how we should. I’m grateful that he does the grocery shopping and keeps up with all other errands, as well. We did venture out to Target the other week, though! I wore Taya in my baby wrap and it all went well. Considering I hadn’t stepped foot in really any kind of store since the end of January, it felt nice to do so. But, we still have to be smart… especially since our county’s numbers are growing and growing again.
- We have some paperwork to finish up and a few other miscellaneous things before we list our house in the Poconos for sale. We’re praying it all goes smoothly!
- Taya and I are still loving TikTok! It’s been a breath of fresh air for me to be able to create without any pressure. Follow us there @summertelban.
- Summer Infant Myria Travel Stroller Review (pros & cons)
- What I Packed & Actually USED In My Hospital Bag
- 31-Day Self-Care Challenge
- This silicone star teether! Taya doesn’t want to put it down.
- These super cute (and super affordable) felt bow headbands.
- This electronic nail file – makes trimming her nails SO easy!
For those of you who don’t know, I was a dancer growing up! It was basically my entire life, haha. I love dancing. I found a pair of my old pointe shoes the other week and then my mother-in-law gave Taya this “little dancer big dreams” outfit, so I knew I had to get some photos. Taya has always been such a mover, even in the womb! It’s my hope that she’ll love dance, too. If she doesn’t, that’s okay. But, it’d be amazing to share that passion with her. 🙂
- This lip balm – it’s been my favorite for over a year now!
- This mascara is my new FAVORITE and it’s only $3! Yep, for real.
- These high-waisted pocket leggings. Obsessed with the print!