September is finally here and that makes my heart really happy. Why? Well, Autumn is almost here! It’s my favorite season. I’m very eager for the crisp weather to get here.
Last month, I shared my blog and personal goals that I had for August. Now it’s time to revisit them and see what’s I’ve accomplished and what I haven’t quite gotten to just yet.
Blog Goals:
1. Logo // I did come up with a logo design all on my own that I like! Woot woot!
2. Business Cards // I didn’t even get a chance to start to design them, but I have been pinning some design ideas on Pinterest.
3. Create Content In Advance // I kinda worked on this. Unfortunately, a lot of my content ideas require me to use a camera. I always forget to ask my husband to leave the camera for me while he’s at work.
4. Grow My Bloglovin’ Following // I wanted to reach as close to 700 followers on Bloglovin‘ as I could by the end of August. Did I succeed? Nope. I’m sitting at 595 right now, which is still a huge step up from where I was last month at 430.
Personal Goals:
1. Use My Planner // I was on a definite roller coaster with using my planner this month. I did really well for a few days and then the next few I totally neglected it. I did find that I am more productive when I am using it though. It’s still something I need to work on.
2. DIY Projects // I honestly haven’t even attempted to start any. I found some neat ideas on Pinterest, but I haven’t had the time (or money) to start on any yet.
3. Exercise // Haha…enough said, right? I really need to get my body moving.
4. Husband Time // Husband time is one of my most favorite times. I have definitely been growing in this when it comes to putting away what I’m doing to focus on him and our relationship together. I make sure to do my blog work during the day, so that on nights and weekends, I am free to just be with him.
I clearly have some goals that are carrying into this month, but here are my solid goals for the month of September.
1. Grow My Sponsorships // Last week I updated my sponsorship options for CWS and I’m hoping to see some growth because of it. I love being able to connect with other bloggers through sponsorships and even better, I love promoting content that I admire and think is beneficial for others. If you’re interested in sponsoring another blog, CWS is always accepting new sponsors!
2. Get A Sponsored Post // It’s no secret that it’s one of my dreams to blog full-time. And it’s no secret that it takes a long time to achieve. I have been doing a lot of research into different ways to monetize my blog, but haven’t quite gotten to putting it into action. I have been applying and applying for sponsored post opportunities, but alas, still haven’t gotten one. I suppose my time will come, but I’m hoping to at least get one sponsored post this month.
3. Get Inspired // I go through seasons of being inspired by everything around me and then I go through dry seasons where I’m just not inspired at all. I’m finally emerging out of a dry season, so I’m looking for inspiration anywhere it can be found. One main thing I need to do is complete my desk/office space. When I’m at my desk, I get so much more done than I would at my kitchen table or on the couch, so I really need to decorate my space with all that will keep me motivated and encouraged.
4. Grow My Twitter // I love Twitter. Every time I’m asked what my favorite social media channel is, I always end up answering Twitter. Right now, I’m currently sitting a little under 1,700 followers. My goal is to hit 2,000 by mid October. Want to help?
1. Draw Near To God // I really, really need to refocus on the Lord. With all of the trials and stress life throws at me, it’s hard to me to always seek God through it all. Sometimes I don’t want to read the Word or pray, because I literally just don’t feel like it sometimes, especially when I’m feeling down. I’m sharing this because I want to be transparent and real. I’m a follower of Christ and that doesn’t make me perfect. I’m an imperfect being daily in need to grace. I’m so thankful for a God who still chooses me and pursues me despite my weakness.
2. Start A Capsule Wardrobe // I have been slowly gathering information and inspiration on building a capsule wardrobe over the past couple months. A capsule wardrobe is all about narrowing down your wardrobe to the essentials and living minimally. Since a new season is quickly approaching, this would be the perfect time for me to start putting my want into action.
3. Be More Positive // Man, this is just really hard for me. I’m a natural born realist, who’s on the line of being a pessimist more than I’d like to admit. It’s crazy – with other people I’m super optimistic, but with myself…ehhhh. This needs to change and I know it’ll take some time. I’m glad I’m a realist, but I hope to one day be on the line of an optimist.
Now it’s time to get down to business & hustle! What are some of your goals for September? Are you excited for Autumn? What are you looking forward to this month?