Hello, lovely September! My goodness, I am so giddy as I’m writing this right now, as I’m overjoyed that my favorite season is almost officially here. I say officially, because I’ve already been living like it’s autumn for the past few weeks…#SorryNotSorry, am I right?
Last month as I dove into my goals for the month of August, I explained that I was excited for my nanny kids to get back to school, as I’d then have more time to dig deeper into the blog. Well, since life is very expensive, I have the dilemma of having to pick up a second job. It’s not something I’m quite looking forward to, as I’m scared that my blog is going to take a backseat, which would basically crush part of my dreams. My point of sharing this with you is to give y’all a heads up incase the blog seems more quiet this next month. Anyway, let’s check-in on how I did on my goals for August before diving into September’s goals.
Prepare For A New Schedule // Done and not done, haha. I was planning my schedule around blogging, but now things have to take a different shift.
Reevaluate My Instagram Strategy // Working on it! Instagram has proven to be tricky and honestly annoying since the algorithm change.
Brainstorm For The New Year // Working on it! I try to take things month-by-month, but I do have vision on where to take the blog and everything that flows from it.
Clean The Apartment Each Day // Working on it! Somedays it’s impossible to clean up because life gets so busy, but I’m trying to be more intentional.
Make A Doctor’s Appointment // I’m getting there.
Find New Music To Listen To // I found a few new artists that I’m excited to explore more.
Surpass 5,000 Followers On Instagram & Post At Least 5x A Week // Instagram has been such a pain recently, and it’s a shame! Ever since the new algorithm changed, only a small percentage of your following actually sees your photos in their newsfeed. It’s sad and not fair. BUT, I am finally in the countdown to hitting 5,000! It seems like forever, especially since I have a great strategy, so it’s encouraging to see it finally take off despite Instagram’s changes. I want to get to posting 5x a week, because that’s the one area I’ve lacked when it comes to Instagram. I will never post unless I have the perfect photo/caption, so I need to figure out a way to make this happen.
Start To Develop My Rebrand More // I shared in my most recent CWS Happenings post that I was considering a rebrand, and I still am. While there wouldn’t be much shift in my overall vision for my blog and purpose, I think it’d be good to do some fine-tuning. I love my blog now, but I know it can be better. Let the craziness officially begin.
Find An Additional Job That I’ll Enjoy // Life is expensive and if my husband and I want certain things in the future, we need to buckle down and do everything we can now to save. I’m not thrilled in having to get another job on top of nannying when the kids are out of school and bloggging, but I’m trying to remind myself it’s only for a season. If you could send some prayers for me to find something that I’ll actually enjoy/be passionate about would mean the world!
Work On My Driving Anger/Patience // Y’all, I’m getting real with you here. I love driving and when I’m by myself, I’m a very aggressive driver. I’m not the person cutting you off or endangering others, but I’m certainly not the timid person going 15 under the speed limit. I need to work on just brushing off the *bad driving habits* of others, instead of getting angry and spouting off my mouth. I’m seriously a different person when I drive, but I need to angle back on my attitude a bit more. Just being honest! Watch, now I’ll encounter every slow driver on my way to work today. 😉
Go On An Adventure With My Husband // Life is always busy for us, so it’d be so nice to just getaway from it all, even just for a day. I’m hoping we’ll get sometime this weekend to do something fun or grab coffee somewhere new.
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