Hey there, friend! How are ya? Do you ever have those days (or weeks) where you’re just in a funk for no reason?
I have some of those times occasionally and after growing sick of them, I finally decided to focus in on the little things that can improve my mood overall! I’m a firm believer in the saying…
“It’s the little things in life.”
As someone who tries to focus on the simple things in life, I find that when I do, I feel much more centered and at peace. The same goes for on the days where I just feel ehhhh. Over the past few months, I made it a priority of mine to really take notice of the little things that I do throughout the day that can boost my mood. This has been helpful in my everyday life but it’s been extremely helpful on the days where I’m in need of some sunshine and positivity!
[bctt tweet=”12 Daily Habits To Boost Your Mood” username=”SummerTelban”]
I hope that these little life tips can be helpful to you in boosting your mood each day, too. It’s amazing how much the tiniest things can make a HUGE difference in your life for the better. š
1. Make Your Bed When You Wake Up // This is a new habit that I’ve been putting into practice the past month and it’s been surprisingly helpful, haha. I have never been one to make my bed because hey, I’d be sleeping again that same day. But, making my bed now helps me feel like I have a fresh start to my day. It makes me feel organized and productive!
2. Let The Light Shine // Natural light is such a beautiful thing, isn’t it? I’m a huge natural light fan so when I wake up in the morning, one of the first things that I do is open my blinds. In the winter, this is even more important to me since it gets dark out early. Soak up as much natural light as you can.
3. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate // If you’re like me and need coffee to be the first thing you drink in the morning, that’s okay! The past year, after my morning coffee, I’ll always turn to water or sparkling water for the rest of the day. It’s important to hydrate yourself for many reasons but drinking water really does help you feel better!
4. Take Up Yoga // Ever since I first started incorporating yoga into my everyday routine, I have felt so much more balanced in life. Yoga hasn’t just helped me ease my anxiety but it’s also helped many of my physical aches and pains. If yoga isn’t your thing, I highly recommend at least stretching every morning (or night). It gets your body moving which helps you to feel more energized and healthy.
5. Snuggle Your Pets // It’s amazing how much some kitty snuggles can help me cheer up when I’m having an off day. I don’t know what I’d do without my little Juniper in my life! Snuggle your pets and play with them. They have such great personalities and love you. š
6. Do The Dishes // Okay, okay. Real talk. This has been the hardest thing for me to incorporate into my daily routine, haha. But on the days that I do the dishes before going to bed, I feel much more ready for the next day ahead of me. When the dishes pile up, I become overwhelmed. So, I’m trying to tackle that by keeping up with them every day! If you’re like me and don’t have a dishwasher, I encourage you to stick to this and let this positive habit form.
7. Tidy Up For 20 Minutes // When there’s clutter, it’s hard to focus and live well. What’s the best way to avoid clutter and messes? Tidy up for at least 20 minutes each day. This is something my husband and I are working on doing every day, especially since we have some home projects that we’re starting.
8. Light A Candle // I know, I know. Such a #basic self-care/self-improvement tip, huh? š Let’s be real, though. There’s just something so comforting about a new candle or one that’s your favorite scent, right? I have a candle burning in my home office all of the time. It helps create an inviting and motivating atmosphere for me to do my work.
[bctt tweet=”Daily Habits That Are Sure To BOOST Your Mood” username=”SummerTelban”]
9. Eat Healthy Snacks // When you eat right, you live well. By choosing to eat healthy snacks like fruits, veggies, granola bars, and more, you’re choosing to care and love for your body the way you should. Sure, have the sweet indulgent treat once in a while (I do!), but for your daily routine, reach for something healthy.
10. Exercise Positive Self-Talk // Positive self-talk is one of the biggest mood boosters there is! If you’re not cheering yourself on and filling yourself with positive thoughts, your mood probably won’t cheer up. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself. For more on positive self-talk, read this post of mine.
11. Take Up Journaling // Journaling is something that surprisingly doesn’t come easily to me but it’s something I’ve been loving lately. I don’t journal about my entire day but I’ll focus on the highlights and some thoughts I’ve had throughout the day. Reflection is so important. I’ve been wanting to pick up this journal! I can’t wait to get it in the mail! š
12. Have Devotional Time // Ever since I’ve been incorporating daily devotionals back into my routine, I have just felt such an overwhelming peace in my life. God is good. I started reading, āThe Heart-Home Builderā by Rachel Braunscheidel at the beginning of the year and it’s been the perfect read to accompany my devotional time. Itās all about cultivating an inner sanctuary of peace, with Jesus, even in the midst of lifeās difficulties. I highly recommend it for all of my sisters out there!
[bctt tweet=”Is life making you feel down? Here are 12 daily habits to take up to always BOOST your mood!” username=”SummerTelban”]
What are some daily habits that help you to boost your mood? I’d love to hear them. We can always use more ideas! š Let’s chat!
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