“New year! New me!!” Does this phrase sound familiar? It’s a phrase that most of us claim at the start of every New Year. We set resolutions and goals, but sometimes I think we forget about one of the most important focuses that we should have for every New Year and every single day. What’s that focus? Self-care.
[bctt tweet=”10 Self-Care Habits To Develop This Year” username=”SummerTelban”]
Self-care should always be one of the most prioritized practices in our lives because without it we’ll burn out. Self-care isn’t a practice that naturally takes its place, especially in the world we live in today. Life is busy and all over the place, so it’s not always the easiest thing to hold proper self-care to the priority it should be held at. This is why at the start of every New Year (and anytime, really) you should checking in with yourself to see if you’re truly caring for yourself the way you should be.
Related Reading: Making Self-Care A Priority (Why You Should & Tips On How To)
While self-care can look differently for everyone, there are some basic acts of self-care that everyone needs to be healthy and rejuvenated. Today, I want to share 10 basic self-care habits that you should always practice in your life so that you can lead not only a healthy life but also a fulfilling one.
1. Take Time To Reflect // Reflection is key for personal growth. Take time out of your day to think about what moments grew you, made you happy, or even made you sad. It’s important to recognize these things. Reflection helps to give you perspective, learn from your mistakes, and to get fresh ideas.
Related Reading: Why Taking Time To Reflect Matters
2. Let Go // Letting go of any kind of negativity or circumstance that’s out of your control is huge. Learning to let go of these things are not always easy, but when you do, you’ll experience less stress and more contentment. Let go of the haters. Let go of others’ doubts in you. Let go of the things you cannot control.
[bctt tweet=”Learn to let go…once you do, you’ll experience new freedom like never before. ” username=”SummerTelban”]
3. Get Enough Sleep // Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. You need to allow your body to have a regular sleep cycle so that you can rest easy and well. It takes time to build up a regular cycle, but your body will thank you for it. You’ll feel more rejuvenate when it’s time to wake up, instead of wishing you could sleep all day.
Related Reading: My Best Tips For The Best Night’s Sleep
4. Positive Self Talk // Speak truth and positivity to yourself and into your life. It’s okay if you have areas to grow, acknowledge them and come up with a plan to get better in them, but don’t tear yourself down. Choose to reach for a better feeling and then walk in that. Be kind to yourself. Build yourself up!
5. Have An Accountability Partner // I am a huge believer in accountability, as it helps you to always have a friend and someone who will help you stay on track with your goals. Reach out to a close friend and offer up the opportunity to be accountability partners. You can have an accountability partner for really anything, but definitely, have one who will check in with you to see how you’re doing with self-care and whatever goals you’re working on. It’s always nice to have someone to lean on!
[bctt tweet=”Having an accountability partner ultimately helps you to stay true to yourself.” username=”SummerTelban”]
6. Celebrate Every Victory // Life is too short to not celebrate every victory that you have – big or small. Friend, you need to celebrate yourself! Celebrating your accomplishments and taking the time to acknowledge who you are and how far you’ve come is immensely important for happy and healthy self-care. Remember that celebrating yourself ≠ comparing your journey to someone else’s. Own your journey and celebrate it!
Related Reading: The Importance Of Celebrating Yourself Regularly
7. Declutter Regularly // It’s hard to function when your life is cluttered, both literally and situationally. If you’re like me and can’t work when your desk is a mess, then make it a priority to clear it off every single day. This is a simple task that takes not even a few minutes, but it’ll help you stay focused and motivated. If there’s negativity in your life or a relationship you need to cut out of your life, do it. Do what’s best for yourself in these situations. You can’t thrive in a cluttered life.
[bctt tweet=”Take time to declutter your life. You can’t thrive in a cluttered life.” username=”SummerTelban”]
8. Intentionally Schedule Alone Time // Be sure to schedule in some alone time or some “me time.” Having time alone from everyone helps you to reflect more intentionally and it allows you to truly rest and recharge. Take a bubble bath or do a creative activity that gets your creative juices flowing. Have an outlet that you can turn to when you just need to get away and have some alone time.
9. Say “No” Without An Explanation // When you choose what your priorities are, you should also take note of the things you don’t want to focus on during that time. Learn to say “no” without an explanation to the things that aren’t a priority in your life. You don’t have to justify your priorities to anyone.
10. Choose Grace // Choose to have grace on yourself when you’ve failed yourself. Choose to have grace on others when they’ve failed you. Choose to have grace all of the time, no matter what. Life is messy because people are messy, and that’s what helps bring the beauty of grace to light. Grace doesn’t make sense, but it brings connection and understanding. Live a life that’s full of grace.
[bctt tweet=”Life is messy because people are messy, and that’s what helps bring the beauty of grace to light.” username=”SummerTelban”]
So, my friends, are you ready to take this New Year to better your self-care? Are you ready to make yourself a priority? What are some ways you want to grow in self-care in your life? Do you need to celebrate more? Let’s chat, friends!
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